Friday, November 22, 2013

Emilio Sanchez Funeral

We were able to go to the viewing for Emilio and his funeral. The viewing was more emotional… Tabby and Trey both got up and said some things about their Dad. Of course, we dismissed services at the building on Wednesday evening and had our service at the funeral home. Walker led singing and David had some very fine scripturally based things to say about Emilio. If we had kept the service at the building that would have been like studying the theory of Christianity… By having it at the funeral home it was more like practicing Christianity, i.e. comforting some of our grieving members.
Most of you know that the Sanchez family had been through some trying times. Emilio and Liz divorced and both remarried. Emilio divorced his second wife about the time he was diagnosed with cancer. From that moment in time Liz took over primary care of Emilio. After all she said Emilio was the father of her children. She either took him to the doctors, to MD Anderson or to San Antonio for treatment or she recruited people to do it for her. She made sure he was eating right and made sure he was taking his medications. She even moved him into the apartment complex she managed so he could be closer to receive better care. All of this with the consent of her second husband… Such incredible people.
I got to visit Emilio some but David Smitherman did more. During the last six months of his life Emilio was penitent and worked to repair the damage to God and to his family. I’m convinced that he’s with God even now.
I was impressed with all the cops at the funeral. I’ll bet there were about 150-200. Many of them filed down the aisle and one after another paid their respects at the coffin and then to the family. All dressed in their dress uniforms with their side arms on their belts… Somber faced working men… a brother-hood of cops. Our Christian-hood was there as well, soldiers of Christ paying our last respects to our fellow soldier in Christ and to his family… our family.
Remember Emilio and don’t forget to care and comfort for his children… Trey and Tabby.
I’ll never forget Emilio because we share a day… Nov 17 the day he was reborn is also my birthday. God bless you Emilio.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Parable of the The Athletic Club

There were three men who were plagued with being over-weight and its attended side effects; Type II Diabetes, Cardiovascular problems and just not being able to live the kind of lives physically that they wanted to.
They all three joined a gym. The first one started controlling his diet and seven days a week was on the Elliptical machine. By the end of the year he had lost all his weight, his Diabetes went away and his Cardiovascular symptoms were greatly improved. He had a problem though… he had not done anything to improve the quality of his muscles and looked like a walking stick. He was still physically weak.
The second guy changed his diet and was drinking and eating a lot of protein and limiting his carbs and fats. He spent all his time lifting weight and building muscle mass. At the end of the year he had transformed himself… his diabetes went away and his Cardiovascular symptoms were improved. His problem though was he was almost grotesque in the muscle mass he had accumulated and with the smallest amount of exertion got “winded”. He had neglected doing “cardio.”
The third guy listened to his trainer and on even days lifted weights and on odd days did his cardio. At the end of the year he was the perfect combination of form and function. His Diabetes and cardiovascular symptoms went away and physically he could do what he wanted.
The parable is this. All three guys had lived their lives without God. Their spiritual health was near zero. They determined to change that and went looking for God visited three different churches.
The first church emphasized Bible study but gave no encouragement or example in interacting with sinners and performing works of service. Its members by and large were giants in Bible knowledge but midgets in works of service, i.e. the skinny guy.
The second church emphasized works and were socially active but had minimal Bible study and doctrinally accepted anything. They were by and large giants in works of service but midgets in the knowledge of God, i.e. the muscle bound guy.
The third church took a balanced approach. They emphasized Bible study but also encouraged, by word and by example, works of service. It had an incredibly symbiotic effect. Works of service helped in the understanding of God’s word and created an individual that mimicked Jesus Christ himself… perfect in form and in function. Who do you want to be?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Lead Wisely

Proverbs 31:1-9. This section of scripture contains words (chosen by the Holy Spirit) that are the words of a mother giving advice to her son who is a King… King Lemuel. She tells him (among other things) not to drink “wine or strong drink”. The reason is that the King might forget what has been decreed in the laws of the land and give a judgment that is incorrect and oppresses the innocent. She does not warn him not to get drunk but to avoid “wine and strong drink”. The text goes on to say that “wine and strong drink” has its place. Namely, to aid those who are dying and need relief from pain and to help those who are in “bitter distress” We’re a little short on Kings nowadays but I think these verses have application for leaders of the family. Fathers/husbands, after all, have the responsibility to lead the family and to make wise decisions for their families. Leading a family is a man’s greatest responsibility it is given to him by God. Anything that might compromise that responsibility including “wine and strong” drink should be avoided so that we don’t displease God and bring harm to our families. Husbands listen closely to the wise words of King Lemuel’s mother and lead your families wisely.