Sunday, April 21, 2024

Information Required From Those Who are Seeking Benevolence

1. Full name
2. Contact information
3. Address
4. Drivers license
5. Social Security number
6. Photograph
7. Church affiliation or character recommendations

Monday, April 8, 2024

Disagreeing with an Apostle

Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the believers in all the towns where we preached… ” Barnabas wanted to take John Mark, with them, but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Acts 15:36-41.
Very interesting. Barnabas gets in an argument with the Apostle Paul and it’s a “sharp” disagreement. I read this as there were some emotions involved… maybe even some level of anger.
I can imagine Paul’s end of it. John Mark agreed to go with us and then he quit on us… he’s a quitter. He left me in a big bind and I’m not going down that road again. I need someone who I can rely on and his name is not John Mark!
On the other end of it Barnabas defends John Mark… John Mark made one mistake and now he’s sorry… I say we give him another chance. Paul… if you’re so set on your opinion then I don’t want to go with you. You take Silas and I’ll take John Mark.
Interesting that Paul didn’t play the “Apostle Card”. Like… I’m an Apostle chosen by God on the road to Damascus. I’ve been whipped and abused, etc. I walked with Jesus Christ and what I say goes.
Nor did Paul compromise for the sake of…
“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace”
Which he wrote with his own hand in the letter to the Ephesians (4:3)
Neither Paul nor Barnabas was accused of any kind of sin. They apparently in all the emotion didn’t call each other names or ascribe their choices to the influence of Beelzebub. I’m guessing in their disagreement they still respected each other.
I guess if you can disagree with an Apostle then you can disagree with any other kind of Christian; Elders (as much as I hate to say it), Preachers, the aged and maybe even your parents.
And we don’t have to compromise our principles for the “Bond of peace”
However in any kind of disagreement, even an emotional one, it should be done with respect and shouldn’t sever the relationship… and the cause of Christ should not be harmed.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sheep, Wolves, Snakes and Doves.

“Behold, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” Matthew 10:16
Jesus told his disciples that he was sending them out like sheep among wolves.
First of all what shepherd sends his sheep to wolves? The wolves could and would make a great feast of the sheep.
Jesus knew the wolves would kill his sheep but the disciples understood that… but the sheep had a job to do… a dangerous job and Jesus helped protect his sheep by giving them the tools to protect themselves.
He told them that the wolves would have them arrested and flogged. He warned them that even their own momma’s might betray them… like a momma-wolf. He told them that the wolves would hate them and persecute them.
Knowing these things they were prepared for everything the wolves could do to them.
The two great tools that they possessed were “shrewdness” and “innocence”. Be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves.
don’t worry about what to say.
when persecuted… get out of town.
don’t be afraid… all they can do is kill you.
learn the magic words and don’t be afraid to say them no matter what the situation is… “Jesus is the Christ the Son of God”
And in fact that is exactly what we see the Apostle Paul doing during his ministry.
Kind of reminds me of an old western TV show... "Have Sheep... will Travel"

Shutting the Mouths of the Pharisees

A funny thing happens in Luke 16. First in the previous chapter Jesus told parables about the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son. Then in chapter 16 he switches gears and decides to tell a parable about a rich man.
At the conclusion of the parable, the Pharisees who also happened to be in the audience, ridiculed Jesus for his teaching. The text says they ridiculed Jesus because they loved money. Jesus answered the ridicule and then said this…
“Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery”
Then in the next verses continues on the theme of the rich and told the tale of the Rich man and Lazarus.
So why did Jesus interrupt his teaching on the rich to discuss marriage, divorce and remarriage?
I think I know exactly why. You see the Pharisees not only had a problem with being lovers of money but by implication had a problem with their marriages. They must have been marrying, divorcing, remarrying, so forth and so on.
They ridiculed Jesus on his teaching about money and richness but when he taught about marriage, divorce and remarriage they kept their hypocritical mouths shut so light might not be shined on their hypocrisy.
Don’t you just love Jesus? He knew how to shut them up.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Neat or Sloppy?

If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. Matthew 18.
A neat thing has been done with these verses. These verses have been used to differentiate between the individual, a plurality of individuals and the church. Ostensibly to illustrate that the church has a different work than the individual and individuals. Like I said… its really neat but there is a problem… its not true.
First of all the purposes of these verses is not to define the work of the church and differentiate it from the work of the individual.
Secondly, the church wasn’t in existence and the word “church” in this text probably means the jewish congregation or the Synagogue. Jesus was still just trying to make them better Jews and prepare them for the coming of the Kingdom.
Thirdly if this was to be the formula for discipling an individual in sin… there is no example of it in the New Testament.
It is true that the word translated in this text is “ekklesia” which is the same word used when describing the church in the New Testament after the church was established.
However dear reader please note this… sometimes the Lord’s Church is described as a Synagogue…
“My brethren, hold not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons. For if there come into your synagogue a man with a gold ring, in fine clothing, and there come in also a poor man in vile clothing” James 2:2
Please don’t force Matthew 18 to teach the distinction of the work of the individual, the work of individuals and the work of the church. It may be neat but it’s really sloppy hermeneutics.

Deadly Adultery

Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?”
Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.” Matthew 19
The Pharisees frequently tested Jesus with tough questions and this was a really tough one. Obviously the Pharisees saw some inconsistencies in their marriage and divorce practices or they would have never asked this question.
I guess the Pharisees expected Jesus to either say… Moses had it right you can divorce your wives or Moses had it wrong you can’t divorce your wives.
What they didn’t expect Jesus to say was that if they divorced their wives (except for fornication) and married another woman then the man and the new wife were both guilt of adultery.
You see under the Law of Moses the sin of adultery was punishable by death. In other words if you divorce your wife and marry another you will both be stoned to death.
Even the disciples were shocked and exclaimed… it would be better to not even marry than to risk the possibility of the death penalty.
Jesus basically responded… well boys… marriage isn’t for everybody but if you decide to marry you better take it seriously because I sure will.
There is no example in the New Testament of anyone being killed for committing adultery. In 1 Corinthians 5 a guy had sex with his father’s wife. That was adultery and it severed his relationship with the church and with God… but he wasn’t killed.
I suspect Jesus is still dead serious about people remaining true to their marital vows. We should be serious about our vows as well. After all… it could have deadly consequences.

Good and Bad Wives

In Ezekiel 16 God describes in figurative language how he found the nation of Israel and made her his wife.
- he describes her as newborn baby… a neglected baby.
- he took the neglected baby and made her grow.
- she grew into a beautiful young woman and he clothed and adorned her and married her.
- but she turned into a prostitute and sacrificed her children to idols.
so he turned her over to her adulterous lovers and they used and abused her and she was ashamed and disgraced for what she did.
Jesus uses similar language about his wife the church in Ephesians 6… she was unclean and blemished, spotted and wrinkled but Jesus loved her just like God loved his wife Israel.
- Jesus gave himself up for her because he loved her.
- He set her apart as his one true bride and cleaned her up with his word.
- She like Israel was “glorious” and without any defect.
- He continually cherished her and nourished her and he was “one” with her.
But like God’s wife Israel some of Jesus’ people rebelled against him and…
- left their first love (Rev 2:4)
- left the teachings of Jesus and followed after others (Rev 2:15)
- became followers of Jezebel and her teachings of fornication (Rev 2:20)
Jesus warned them if they didn’t repent they could no longer be his wife. (Rev 2:5)
He portrayed himself as having eyes like fire and a loud angry voice and a sharp sword coming out of his mouth. (Rev 1:13-17)
Don’t forget when we were lost in sin and Jesus cleaned us with his very own blood and gave us the great honor and privilege to be his wife.
Don’t forget that he won’t tolerate adultery against him and allow us to be abused by the demons we might find so attractive.
Remember how handsome and loving Jesus Christ is and don’t take your eye off of him… or things could be bad… very bad.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Best Friends with Jesus

The New testament reveals that Jesus had some people that he cared about more than others. For instance… Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Mary told Jesus “the one that you love” is sick. Jesus didn’t correct her so i assume that she hit the nail on the head. The Apostle John referred to himself in the third person in his Gospel as the one who Jesus loved. Jesus certainly showed that he favored John.
What a great feeling that must have been to know and understand that even though Jesus loved all that there were some that he loved more. And what it must be like to be that guy/gal.
It makes me wonder if from his seat in Heaven today if there are some that he just likes to watch a little bit more because of his love for them. And what it might take to be that guy/gal.
I also wonder if at the end of time when all the saved are gathered together and after the newness of it wears off a little bit if Jesus would find a few that he liked to hang out with. Some like Lazarus or the Apostle John who he had some special feelings for.
Even if I am not that guy it’s okay… I still get to be in his presence and that’s enough.

Constantly Learning

I learn a little bit about myself from time to time. Recently I had a surgical procedure and kept it kind of quiet. Like a need to know basis… my kids, my office and some Volleyball players who wanted me to play in a tournament with them.
I didn’t ask for a bunch of prayers because first of all I have a lot of confidence in the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. Plus, I have a lot of confidence in God. The morning of the surgery I prayed to him and requested that I live a long life with my wife surrounded by my kids and my grand kids. I know he heard me.
Logically, I know that probably I am not God’s favorite son but I do feel like I might be his favorite… its possible… maybe not probable but possible. After all he has blest me and blest me and there is no other explanation except that he must like me.
So, for me, it felt a little bit like an insult to Him that I would beg for the prayers of others when I know that he is watching me and listening to me. I hope you understand that.
When I was in recovery and in some pain my first thought was about Julie and I felt the emotions well up in me. In fact I told the nurse… I think I’m going to cry. Every time I thought about Julie I felt emotional until finally I did some sobbing. Julie told me later that the nurses said “He’s asking for you”.
Totally surprising to me… I had not anticipated that.
I guess that thing about the two shall become one flesh must be true. Neither one of us is perfect and in fact we annoy each other from time to time but we have learned that those feelings are of little consequence compared to the deep love we have for each other. And I guess I understand that a little bit better when I sat in a recovery room with pain and only a stranger who had no idea who I was to keep me company instead of the love of my life.
Sometimes I think she understands me better than I understand myself.
Like I said… sometimes I discover things about myself and that makes me appreciate my friend and Father all the more.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

God Likes Figs

Luke 13:6-9, contains the story of the fig tree that didn’t have any fruit on it. The master wanted to cut it down put the gardener wanted to fertilize it first and see if that would do any good.
I made the point to my Bible class that God wasn’t interested in trees that just looked good. You know stately tress with a lot of beautiful foliage. God wants trees that produce a fruit. He’s fruit oriented.
One of my students asked a good question. He said what about the young Christian who is just a sapling and needs to learn his Bible better to become more productive?
That’s a great question but its based on a faulty premise. The premise that you have to be Bible experts to produce fruit. You see… you don’t have to be a great biblical genius or a spiritual brainiac to produce the kind of fruit that God wants. You just have to live according to biblical principles and let your light shine.
The example I gave was of the newest christian at Parkway baptized just a few weeks ago. Her husband has since been baptized and the last two Sundays she has had several family and friends in attendance. She is not the little Einstein of Bible knowledge… yet. But she knows enough and is spiritually smart enough to be productive. You see… her family asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she said I would like you to go to church services with me. Smart… very smart. But wait! They were at services the next Sunday too! I asked her… is it still your birthday?!?
Let’s make some Figs.

Simple Questions Complex Answers

In Luke 12 Jesus tells a parable about being ready for when the Son of Man comes. Then in verse 41 Peter asks a great question…
“Lord are you telling this parable for us or for all?”
That’s a question we should always ask ourselves while reading the scriptures… for instance, are all christians supposed to sell all of our goods or was that specifically for a few? Were all christians supposed to go to all the earth (the great commission) or just some specific individuals? Like I said it was a great question.
It was a simple question and could have been answered simply. Yes Peter just for you disciples or no Peter to all the multitude. It was a simple question.
Jesus, however, didn’t give simple answers. Instead he told another parable. In that situation I, for instance, might have been a little frustrated and thought… can you just answer my question plainly and succinctly?
Let me suggest that Jesus answering with a parable was by design. It was designed to stimulate Peter’s brain and make him think because if you just give answers then you will always be answering. But if you can make someone think they can come up with their own answers.
Kind of like if you feed a guy a fish every day you will always be doing that but if you teach him to fish then he can feed himself and more importantly he can teach others how to fish.
So in short what was Jesus’ answer? In verse 48… “Everyone to whom much was given (the disciples), of him much will be required. And from whom they entrusted much (the disciples), they will demand the more”
I’m sure Peter went home and thought and thought about Jesus’ answer and was better off for the process and was prepared for when the Son of Man might come… even if the Son of Man came unexpectedly because the Son of Man had entrusted him much and Peter knew that much was expected of him.
So the next time someone asks you a question… consider, like Jesus, answering with a parable. That will exercise your brain too.

Monday, March 11, 2024

The Rottenness of Hypocrisy

In Luke 12:1, Jesus told his disciples… “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy”
In the preceding verses Jesus had illustrated some characteristics of the Pharisees… they liked to look good on the outside but inwardly were rotten, they were over zealous for the relatively minor points of the law but neglected the major points and they loved attention.
A friend of mine told me that she used to attend one of the mega churches locally but quit attending because the leaders acted one way during the assembly but behaved the opposite way outside the assembly.
Instead of assembling with fellow christians my friend now prefers just to listen to preachers on the radio.
This particular church my friend attended (in her opinion) was like the Pharisees… it looked good on the outside but with closer inspection was … rotten.
Hence Jesus’ warning to his disciples who were the future leaders of his people. Sometimes leaders and preachers are affected by their position of prominence and the adulation that accompanies and let it go to their heads… please don’t.
I asked my Bible class how you might recognize Pharisee-like leaders today. They said those who liked to look good on the outside, those who liked to sit in the best seats, those who loved attention and those who neglected kindness, love and compassion.
That certainly fits the text but another way to tell is if people leave the congregation because of the rottenness of hypocrisy.
An old adage is that congregations will never rise above the level of its leadership. If true, and I suspect it is, fellow leaders let’s see how high we can set that bar.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Improved Prayer

In Luke 11:1, Jesus’ disciples requested that Jesus teach them how to pray whereupon he said… like this…
“When you pray, say: “ 'Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation”
If that was the extent of his lesson on prayer it would be a short lesson indeed but consider dear reader that the lesson goes though verse 26.
In the model prayer Jesus introduces the concept of the coming of “kingdom” that word is mentioned two more times…
- If Satan is divided is divided against himself how will (Satan’s) kingdom stand?
- If by the finger of God (Jesus) casts out demons then God’s kingdom has come upon you.
In the model prayer Jesus introduces the concept of praying for food and contrasts asking a neighbor for food and his reluctance to provide said food with God’s quick answer for the request to provide the necessary provender.
And contrasts their ignorance in even knowing what to ask for by adding… if you asked for the “Holy Spirit” he would give it to you (instead of mere victuals).
This giving of the Holy Spirit segways nicely into Jesus casting out an evil demonic spirit from a human being (who could have prayed for the Holy Spirit)
Then Jesus tells the story of a man who had an evil demonic spirit removed from him… perhaps referring to the individual he had just removed the demonic spirit from. Jesus describes the demonic spirit wandering around looking for another human host… and being unable to find one goes back to his previous residence and original host and finds a nice, tidy home and invites seven other demons to live with him… the house was vacant.
That poor human being… his last state was truly worse than the first.
How did that happen?
Let me suggest that if the individual had invited the Holy Spirit to live in him it would have been impossible for a demonic spirit to live there.
It may have even been the case that the individual became a believer but as suggested in the model prayer… don’t expect forgiveness of sins if you don’t have the capacity to forgive others.
You see that attitude is like inviting a demon to come in and live comfortably within you.
Jesus gave a brief example of a prayer but used it to educate his followers about the coming kingdom, what they could ask for and when to expect results and how to live in Spirit without having to worry about demon possession.
Now the disciples could pray better.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Aaron's Weak Leadership

Aaron was a weak leader. When his brother Moses was preparing to go up on Mt. Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments he gave Aaron one job to do until he got back… to keep the people under control. Aaron failed his one job.
Moses was gone longer than expected and the people were worried that maybe he had died and approached Aaron to make for them a god that could lead them.
When Moses came off the mountain and found the people worshipping a golden calf and partying and celebrating and running wild. Moses was furious. He asked Aaron… what did they do to you for you to allow this?
Like did they torture you? Did they threaten you? Did they tickle you until you couldn’t stand it and finally gave in? No they didn’t… Aaron just bowed to the will of the people. He failed.
Moses accused Aaron of “leading the people into sin” The wrong kind of leadership indeed.
God wanted to kill all of Israel except Moses and make another nation out of Moses.
Elders are leaders in God’s church. Like Aaron their job is not only to keep the congregation under control but to help make the bride of Christ beautiful… not ugly and running wild.
I’ve heard of Elders who poll the congregation to make a decision. I’ve heard of congregations whose Elderships basically allow the Preacher to be lead the congregation and just rubber stamp his decisions. I’ve heard of congregations whose members make all kinds of decisions without even consulting the Elders.
God qualified and appointed Elders based on those qualifications for a reason. To lead with wisdom and strength.
Elders shouldn’t have backbones made of cartilage. Elders need to protect their position against any and all who would seek intentionally or unintentionally to weaken it. Otherwise like Israel God might want to kill the congregation and start over.
Elders… don’t be weak like Aaron. Be strong leaders. Listen to the congregation and carefully evaluate what the congregation tells you but in the end the decision is yours… don’t be afraid to make it.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

What to do with Publicans?

Publicans in the New Testament were Jews empowered by the Roman government to collect taxes on behalf of the Roman Government. They were not very popular among the Jews generally and among the Pharisees specifically. Even today Tax collectors are not very popular.
First of all the Jews couldn’t have been happy about paying taxes in addition to paying their 10% tithing. And the fact that the Roman Caesar claimed to be a God had to be bothersome. The general opinion among Pharisees was that Publicans were sinners and spiritually filthy.
Lukes Gospel contains five references to Publicans:
Luke 3:12… at the preaching of John the Baptist the Publicans asked “What should we do” whereupon John says “Extort no more than that which is appointed you”.
Luke 5:27… Jesus told Levi the Publican… “follow me” (to become ultimately an Apostle)
Luke 7:29… “all the people (and the Publicans) when they heard, justified God, being baptized” but “the Pharisees and Lawyers rejected the counsel of God”
Luke 18:11-14… contrasts the self righteous prayer of the Pharisee with the humble prayer of the Publican.
Luke 19:1-10… the story of the rich, Chief Publican Zaccheus (presumably rich due to extortion). Jesus goes to eat supper with Zaccheus and the people murmur… Jesus is eating with a sinner! Whereupon Zaccheus stands up and defends himself… “Lord I give half of my goods to the poor and if I have wrongly exacted anything of any man I will repay four times the amount”
Keep in mind that Jesus used the dregs of jewish society to attack the self righteousness of the Pharisees.
The Pharisees hated Samaritans so Jesus elevated Samaritans, they hated unclean women so Jesus elevated them, they hated Publicans so Jesus chose one to become his Disciple, he baptized Publicans when the Pharisees refused to be baptized, he commended the prayer of a Publican over the prayer of a Pharisee and he found a righteous chief publican (who was rich) and went into his home and ate with him.
If there is any lesson in this at all its that we shouldn’t be so spiritually arrogant that we despise those who have been marked up by Satan and the world and choose to have nothing to do with them.
I wonder who would fall in those categories today? Racists? Those we differ with politically? Sexual misorietation? Muslims? Atheists?

Monday, January 15, 2024

Pampered Paupers

I was listening to a comedian the other day and he said he went out to dinner with a guy that was worth 100 million dollars. He said he himself was worth only 40 million dollars but they still ordered the same steak. Lol.
That seemed to validate the idea to me that you can only do so much with wealth… there’s only so much you can buy. And yet its almost like a game or contest with rich people to see how much wealth they can accumulate.
It must be a real struggle to figure out what to do with money unless your real goal is just to use it to make more money or to risk it in a big gamble just for the thrill of a big pay out.
Those who don’t love money try to figure out how they can help other people. i.e. they love people more than money.
I’m all for responsibility in handling wealth. I think the Parable of the Talents suggests that concept. Invest it wisely and use the proceeds to help others.
I heard of a group of Christians who pooled their monies and went to some of the villages of fellow Christians in Africa and drilled water wells for them so they wouldn’t have to walk to the river.
That seems to me to be the perfect example of people who love others more than they love money.
I like eating a nice steak every once in a while but I’m also quite happy to eat a chili cheese dog.
Lets be careful not to pamper ourselves so much that we neglect the paupers. Maybe we should pamper the paupers.

The Leastest or the Greatest?

Luke 7:28  I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.”
Interesting verse. I wonder why Jesus said this?
Jesus, of course, in this text identified how great John (the Baptist) was. John’s mission (successfully completed) was great and John performed it with great humility.
I suppose Jesus said this to give believers in Christ great hope that as great as John was that they could be greater.
1 Corinthians 12:12-31, illustrates God’s people as a body. I don’t know what body part John was just like I don’t know what body part I am or what body part you are. But I do know that whatever part we are the body of Christ needs all of its parts… that’s important.
I also know that the members of the body had God given spiritual gifts and could perform miracles but that the spiritual gifts (as great as they were) were not greater than love. Although God worked through people with spiritual gifts we are the ones who control how we work our love.
So you may not have the great mission that John the Baptist had but we still have a great mission… a world wide mission.
The only way therefore that we can be greater than someone like John the Baptist is in the mission of love that we demonstrate to each other and to the world. Even the least in the Kingdom can be great in love. Love is the greatest.

Sell All You Have... Everything

Luke 10:17-27 tells the tale of the rich young ruler. Then in verse twenty-one Jesus says this…
“Looking at him, Jesus showed love to him and said to him, “One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” But he was deeply dismayed by these words, and he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property”
The question is raised who does Jesus’ instruction apply to? Does it include all believers? Because if it does apply to all believers then all believers would be obligated to sell all of our possessions and follow Jesus. So who does it apply to?
This verse specifically only applies to the “rich young ruler” and no one else. He didn’t tell Nicodemus to do this. He didn’t tell the Samaritan woman to do this. He didn’t tell Zaccheus to do this (for instance)
Jesus gave specific instructions to specific people and the instructions often differed widely. So what can we learn from this? We can learn by studying Acts and the Epistles how they applied Jesus’ and the Apostles teaching.
Generally people who had money were generous to those who did not have much. They even sold things. There is no example of anyone selling all that they had.
We can also learn to question how we interpret the Bible and how to make applications.

Pets, Children and the Lost

We see a lot of behavior problems in dogs. Primarily anxiety/fear and its manifestations like aggression and biting. A lot of these issues are owner related… they let their dogs get away with inappropriate behaviors as puppies because they think they are cute then when the pets get big they are too big to control. Sometimes the pets are dangerous and owners choose to euthanize their beloved pets that were so cute as puppies.
Certain breeds are worse than others.
Usually ugly/dangerous behavior problems can be addressed by simple training in the basics… sit, stay, heel. You are not training them primarily not to bite but you are exerting dominance in smaller areas (sit, etc.) that translates over to larger areas (Biting, etc.)
This also (in my opinion) translates over to the behavior of children and training them.
Sometimes we run across believers that hold some pretty strange doctrinal issues and the root of the problem is they don’t know their Bibles very well. Sometimes then instead of butting heads on an issue and just ending up with head aches it makes sense to go back to the basics and re-learn the Bible.
Of course that takes time and patience and may not have the exhilaration that comes with a good fight and the recounting of the fight… whether you are talking about your pets, your children or the weak in faith.
Love is patient, love is kind.

Manna, Quail, Hot Dogs and Fried Chicken

In the middle school class that I teach we have been reading about manna and how the Israelites got tired of eating it. I asked the kids if they ever got tired of eating the same thing over and over. One of them raised his hand and said he got tired of eating Hot Dogs. Later his mom told me that he went through a spell of just wanting Hot Dogs. In the pm class he told me that he would never get tired of eating Pepperoni sandwiches that it would be impossible to get tired of those. When Lauren worked at the Chicken Shack she brought home fried chicken every night. I loved it for a while then got tired of it.
Have you ever noticed about God that when his people complained about something and grumbled that he gave them exactly what they wanted but in such quantities that they got sick of it. He was teaching them a lesson.
I’m sure if the Israelites had been more polite that on Mondays he would give Manna, Tuesdays - Hot Dogs, Wednesdays - Quail, Thursdays - Friend Chicken and Fridays - Pepperoni sandwiches. But knowing the complaining nature of the Israelites they probably wouldn’t be happy with that either… they didn’t have the confidence in God that’s called faith. People of faith shouldn’t complain and then we wouldn’t have to learn lessons from God the hard way.

New and Old Faces

I got a notification on my Veterinary class of 1981 Facebook page that one of our classmates passed just the other day. I hadn’t seen him since 1981. When I saw his photo on Facebook I barely recognized him.
I figured out the other day that I remember people like the last time I saw them. I remembered this classmate as young and energetic and happy.. That’s how I remembered him. I can still see his face.
Here’s the thing… our physical features are not the only thing that changes… the way we think, the things we believe, our emotions, our accomplishments… everything changes.
We have to be careful that we don’t categorize people according to their past and don’t give them the benefit of the doubt. Someone may have offended us years ago and maybe we didn’t get an “I’m sorry” so we still hold a grudge. Let that go… let it go… people change.
In 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 a spiritual mirror is revealed. As we turn to Jesus Christ and receive the Holy Spirit and look in that mirror we see the reflection of our spiritual selves. We see our spiritual face slowly but surely transformed into the face of Jesus Christ.
Those who know us closely can also see the transformation in us. Some folks can’t see it though because they have closed their minds. They’ve been offended and can’t get over the past. They can’t see past the end of their nose… and have short noses.
If you’re in that situation just don’t worry about that… it’s not your problem it’s theirs.
I looked at the photo of my deceased classmate and I thought I saw happiness and contentment and a good life lived. I wish that I could have sat down with him and heard his story and his life’s experiences but whatever they were I choose to believe the best about him because I want to have people believe in the best in me.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Christine Torno's Funeral

Julie and I went to Christine Torno’s (1926-2023) funeral yesterday. On the drive over to Sinton, Texas we were guessing on who might be there.
Parkway was well represented but one of the nice things about funerals are the old friends you see who you don’t expect to see. My old friend and former member Ron Guzman was there. Seems like I only see him on Facebook and at funerals. We get along together like peas and carrots.
We got to see Brad and Beth Roach and we also got to see Steve Torno (Ray’s cousin) who we had known since college days. Also my old friend Richard Besselman who lives north of Dallas. He came a long way for someone he’s not related to.
Warren Miller who is married to Joy Torno Miller emceed the whole thing. I was impressed that he referred to Christine Torno as “our mother”. Nothing says love like that does.
Warren also said something I liked… “we preach our own funerals by the way we live our lives”
Glen and Christine Torno were just everyday small town working people.
Christine’s dad was an oil field worker who bought some land on Papalote creek and farmed and raised a few cows. There are a lot of Rattlesnakes on Papalote Creek and one of the games Christine and her siblings played was “jump the snake” (If you can imagine that)
The other story I liked about Christine was she had to walk about two miles to the bus stop and she would walk barefoot no matter the weather carrying her shoes. When she got to school she would use the school water hose to wash her feet and legs off then put her clean shoes on and go to class.
One of the grandsons said his grandmother had taught him five things… how to fish, how to grow things, it’s okay to have an opinion and to change it, to dream big and to love the Lord big.
Tim Rogers (who I know well) had a speaking part and I really felt for him. I’ve been in the position where I’ve been asked to speak for someone who I greatly loved and knew that I couldn’t get through it without crying but did it anyway because I knew no one else could say the words that needed to be said and that I was the only one who could say them. I guess tears are the currency of love. If so then Tim Rogers is rich.
I heard that during the depression there was a Veterinarian in the community and if you couldn’t pay your bill he would waive the fee if you would visit at the local Church of Christ. That’s how the Torno’s became members.
I looked at that great gathering of Torno’s… sons and daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren, cousins, nieces and nephews and marveled at their love for each other and their great spiritual legacy that started because their ancestor was too poor to pay a Veterinary bill and too proud to not pay a debt.
I was talking to one of our members today who knows about Papalote and sharing some of these stories with him and I told him… in your spiritual journey you need to start attending some of these funerals… it will make you better and he agreed (I knew he would).
Certainly Julie and I go to funerals to comfort the family and to see old friends but the real reason we go is kind of selfish I guess. We go because it makes us better and I guess thats kind of hard to understand unless you go and share some tears and laughter with the loved ones of the deceased.
God bless you Christine Torno.