Sunday, June 2, 2024

Dreams Realized

I had a dream about my brother last night. I wanted to write it down because I know I’ll forget about it. I dreamt that I was walking to a friends house to help him with something. As I was walking down the street someone was walking towards me. As he got closer I thought… that looks like my brother Scott. And then as he got closer his eyes opened wide and he yelled Rob! It was my brother! We hugged each other and both cried and I said… how? how?
My brother then said Rob… I didn’t have any choice I had to fake my death. Which raises a lot of questions but I didn’t care… I just didn’t care, I was so glad to see him.
I don’t know for sure if we will recognize loved ones in Heaven. I mean there is that thing about the Rich man recognizing father Abraham and the Poor man. And there is that thing about the twelve Apostles surrounding the throne in Heaven. So I tend to think that we will recognize people and that is a very comforting thing to me and perhaps an extra motivation to strive to be there.
What a great day that will be when we enter the gates of Heaven and are reunited with people whom we have loved the most in the world and to get to meet the storied Apostles. And also, hopefully a dream come true when I see my brother again.

Career Paths

There’s a story I like to tell about my potential career path I considered when I was about to graduate from High School. Path #1 was to be an internationally famous Rock Star and Path # 2 was to be a simple country Veterinarian.
As I considered those two options I weighed the pros and cons of each.
As far as being a Rock Star goes I realized that Rock Stars traveled a lot and I am more of a homebody. Strike 1.
Also Rock Stars seem to be involved in the drug culture and make poor choices and tend to die early because of addiction. I could just see myself becoming a drug addict and seeing my mother crying at my funeral. Strike 2.
Also Rock Stars are pursued by groupies… primarily women… seductive women. That could potentially be a weakness for me. I mean you could say “no” a thousand times but the one time you don’t could have disastrous consequences. Strike 3 to becoming an Internationally Famous Rock Star and hello to becoming a simple country Veterinarian.
Of course that whole story is one big joke and yet it illustrates a concept.
There is not anything inherently wrong with being a Rock Star and yet it is an occupation that provides several opportunities for sin.
The child of God shouldn’t naively go down a path that has great potential for sin. I could name you several occupations that are not family friendly and have a high percentage of marriage failures.
The child of God should be smart and wise and make good choices.
Of course I did become a simple country Veterinarian and am still with the wife of my youth and we are surrounded by our children and grandchildren.
Far, far better than being in some strange town, drowning in drugs with some wild and wicked woman.
Choose wisely grasshopper.