Church News. September 27, 2009
In Matthew 27:23-25, Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judea, allowed the Jewish crowds to determine the fate of Jesus and when they insisted he be “crucified”, Pilate declared himself to be innocent. Whereupon, the Jewish crowds accepted responsibility when they declared, “His blood be on us and on our children”.
About 40 years later, God sent Titus and the Roman army; the city of Jerusalem was destroyed and over one million Jews (men, women and children) were killed. About 97,000 others were taken into slavery.
John 3:16 says that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life”.
The message from Matthew is that “God so loved his only begotten son that whosoever took a part in his death or didn’t believe in him would suffer a bloody death of their own at the hands of the Romans”.
This historical event gives us an idea on how God deals with man when he sins. Not only does God reserve punishment for the end of time but he sometimes punishes us for sin while we still live on earth. And sometimes the punishment for our sins affects other people.
Was God “fair” with the Jewish people? I think so. He didn’t punish them immediately; he gave then 40 years to repent. He sent Apostles, prophets and teachers to them. Great signs and miracles were worked for their benefit. I’m sure that some of those who repented on the day of Pentecost were some of the same ones who 50 days earlier were screaming for Jesus’ blood but they repented and were baptized and were forgiven.
The only ones left in Jerusalem at the time of its destruction were those who had totally rejected Jesus in spite of overwhelming testimony and signs. The Christians had been warned to get out of Jerusalem.
If we don’t want the wrath of God visited upon ourselves and our children then we need to make the right choice about Jesus. It could have current and future consequences.
Veda Bashears is moving back to Mississippi. I’ll sure miss her. From the first time I met her I knew she was someone you could be completely comfortable around.
She asked me one time if I knew a certain song. I told her I didn’t recognize the title. She showed it to me in the songbook and I still didn’t recognize it. I asked her to sing some of it for me. After she sang for a little bit I was quiet for a moment and asked her… did you hear a coyote? She punched me.
The preacher from Mississippi is driving down to get her in the next week or two.
Jennifer Nuckel’s baby shower. Oct 3 at 1:30 pm at Linda Torno’s house.
Dave and Lois are still at MD Anderson.
The Cargile’s annual hayride at their ranch in La Garto is Nov. 7.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
The account in Matthew 27 of Jesus before Pontius Pilate is interesting to me. Jesus was presented before Pilate, and the chief priests and elders made various accusations against him. Their goal was to kill Jesus… they wanted him dead. Of course Jesus did not reply at all to their accusations… he just sat there silently. Pilate questioned Jesus, “don’t you hear what they are accusing you of?” Again, Jesus did not say one word. The scriptures say that Pilate was “amazed”.
My guess is it would take a lot to amaze Pilate. I find very little in my profession that amazes me, by and large in 28 years as a Veterinarian, I am no longer “amazed” at what I see. So to see that Pilate was amazed is a little surprising. You don’t become a Roman Governor by being a “Pollie Anna”. Pilate knew how to deal with people and he was used to treating people with brutality.
My guess as to what amazed Pilate was Jesus’ calm demeanor in the face of certain torture and a slow excruciating (a word derived from the cruc or cross) death. Pilate was amazed that Jesus was not begging for his life or arguing with his accusers or sweating with fear.
But what Pilate did not know about Jesus was that he was in the presence of the one who had helped create the universe and helped to create Pilate himself. Jesus knew that but Pilate didn’t… he had no idea. If he had, the emotion of “amazement’ would have quickly changed to the emotion of “terror” at what he was contemplating. Jesus was as far above Pilate as a human is above an ant… certainly more so… humans can’t create ants.
Jesus was calm because of his superiority and the knowledge that whatever Pilate might do it would not last very long and Pilate might be able to temporarily abuse and kill Jesus’ human body but he could never kill the God part of Jesus and even Jesus dead body could be revived.
I think behind Jesus’ calm eyes were calm thoughts. Calm eyes watching the scene that had been played over so many times in his mind, finally become reality. Jesus’ emotion might have been… relief. Relief that it was all about to be over and that he could again be reunited with the Holy Spirit and the Father in heaven.
That’s a big lesson for us too; no matter what we may have to endure here… eternity in the presence of God will surely be worth it.
Cody and Jennifer have a new address…
Jennifer & Cody Cargile
15322 Guadalupe River
CC, TX. 78410
Melissa Neal
4848 S. Alameda St. #1107
CC, TX. 78412
Melissa has moved here from Florida and will be teaching at Texas A&M University.
Jennifer Nuckel’s baby shower. Oct 3 at 1:30 pm at Linda Torno’s house. Invitations to follow.
Last week we announced that MD Anderson told Dave that they could do nothing else for him. This week they want him to come back to see another doctor.
The Cargile’s annual hayride at their ranch in La Garto is Nov. 7.
The account in Matthew 27 of Jesus before Pontius Pilate is interesting to me. Jesus was presented before Pilate, and the chief priests and elders made various accusations against him. Their goal was to kill Jesus… they wanted him dead. Of course Jesus did not reply at all to their accusations… he just sat there silently. Pilate questioned Jesus, “don’t you hear what they are accusing you of?” Again, Jesus did not say one word. The scriptures say that Pilate was “amazed”.
My guess is it would take a lot to amaze Pilate. I find very little in my profession that amazes me, by and large in 28 years as a Veterinarian, I am no longer “amazed” at what I see. So to see that Pilate was amazed is a little surprising. You don’t become a Roman Governor by being a “Pollie Anna”. Pilate knew how to deal with people and he was used to treating people with brutality.
My guess as to what amazed Pilate was Jesus’ calm demeanor in the face of certain torture and a slow excruciating (a word derived from the cruc or cross) death. Pilate was amazed that Jesus was not begging for his life or arguing with his accusers or sweating with fear.
But what Pilate did not know about Jesus was that he was in the presence of the one who had helped create the universe and helped to create Pilate himself. Jesus knew that but Pilate didn’t… he had no idea. If he had, the emotion of “amazement’ would have quickly changed to the emotion of “terror” at what he was contemplating. Jesus was as far above Pilate as a human is above an ant… certainly more so… humans can’t create ants.
Jesus was calm because of his superiority and the knowledge that whatever Pilate might do it would not last very long and Pilate might be able to temporarily abuse and kill Jesus’ human body but he could never kill the God part of Jesus and even Jesus dead body could be revived.
I think behind Jesus’ calm eyes were calm thoughts. Calm eyes watching the scene that had been played over so many times in his mind, finally become reality. Jesus’ emotion might have been… relief. Relief that it was all about to be over and that he could again be reunited with the Holy Spirit and the Father in heaven.
That’s a big lesson for us too; no matter what we may have to endure here… eternity in the presence of God will surely be worth it.
Cody and Jennifer have a new address…
Jennifer & Cody Cargile
15322 Guadalupe River
CC, TX. 78410
Melissa Neal
4848 S. Alameda St. #1107
CC, TX. 78412
Melissa has moved here from Florida and will be teaching at Texas A&M University.
Jennifer Nuckel’s baby shower. Oct 3 at 1:30 pm at Linda Torno’s house. Invitations to follow.
Last week we announced that MD Anderson told Dave that they could do nothing else for him. This week they want him to come back to see another doctor.
The Cargile’s annual hayride at their ranch in La Garto is Nov. 7.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thirty Pieces of Silver
I was reading Mt. 26-27 the other day and thinking about Judas’ betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. I suspect that Judas may not have known that this betrayal would lead to Jesus’ death. Afterall, Judas had witnessed Jesus’ great power and miracle working. He may have suspected that Jesus would triumph over anything the chief priests could bring against him. I don’t know.
What I do know is that when Judas witnessed the events that would lead to Jesus’ death he became very remorseful. So remorseful that he tried to correct his sin by confessing it to the chief priests and elders. Precisely what he should have done under Old Testament Law. He even offered restitution by giving the money back. Instead of forgiving Judas the chief priests rejected his repentance. They had to. If they had accepted his repentance it would be an admission of their own guilt. They couldn’t do that. They couldn’t offer Judas forgiveness and let him walk away.
Judas was so remorseful that he went out and hanged himself. Imagine the level of remorse that would cause someone to place a noose around their neck and cause themselves to be strangled to death. Judas had remorse. Sometimes we wonder why he didn’t go to Jesus and ask for forgiveness? I think the answer has to be that Judas did not fully believe in Jesus. Oh, he believed in Jesus power and miracle working but he did not believe that Jesus could or would forgive him of this great sin.
It’s always about belief isn’t it? Jesus could have forgiven Judas but Judas had no faith in him. Faith can solve all our problems.
I was reading Mt. 26-27 the other day and thinking about Judas’ betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. I suspect that Judas may not have known that this betrayal would lead to Jesus’ death. Afterall, Judas had witnessed Jesus’ great power and miracle working. He may have suspected that Jesus would triumph over anything the chief priests could bring against him. I don’t know.
What I do know is that when Judas witnessed the events that would lead to Jesus’ death he became very remorseful. So remorseful that he tried to correct his sin by confessing it to the chief priests and elders. Precisely what he should have done under Old Testament Law. He even offered restitution by giving the money back. Instead of forgiving Judas the chief priests rejected his repentance. They had to. If they had accepted his repentance it would be an admission of their own guilt. They couldn’t do that. They couldn’t offer Judas forgiveness and let him walk away.
Judas was so remorseful that he went out and hanged himself. Imagine the level of remorse that would cause someone to place a noose around their neck and cause themselves to be strangled to death. Judas had remorse. Sometimes we wonder why he didn’t go to Jesus and ask for forgiveness? I think the answer has to be that Judas did not fully believe in Jesus. Oh, he believed in Jesus power and miracle working but he did not believe that Jesus could or would forgive him of this great sin.
It’s always about belief isn’t it? Jesus could have forgiven Judas but Judas had no faith in him. Faith can solve all our problems.
Prayer List. Sept. 13, 2009
Prayer List – members
Dave Gilliam (Chemo)
Gilliam family (loss of son-in-law, Homer Huber)
Vivian Meeker (Macular degeneration)
Virginia Lawler
Herb Buehler
Jean Cave (complications with pacemaker)
Syble Peterson (hip problems)
Cyndi Paul (recovering from knee surgery)
Amanda Drum
Becky Garcia (Her mom, Cyndi, requests prayers)
Dan Graf (Sarcoidosis)
Dwayne Murphy (Pemphigus vulgaris)
Liz Graf
Family and Friends
Darrel Roberts
Rick Garcia (Intestinal surgery)
Selma Soleyn (Cancer)
Holly Dixon (Breast Cancer)
Helen Karlsen (Julie’s aunt – COPD)
Donna Allen (Veda’s friend)
Jenny Washington (Bonnie Davis’ sister – sick)
Scott Perkins (ask God to help him find his faith)
D.L. Hutchins (spiritual - illness)
Elizabeth Robles (Her mom, Priscilla Guel, asks prayers for spiritual weakness)
Ofelia Guzman
Mike Garcia (Lucas requests prayers for his dad - spiritual illness)
Tim and Ben Bueno (Patsy requests prayers for her sons - spiritual illness)
Manuel Perez Jr. (parents ask for prayer - spiritual illness)
Dennis Bailey (Fred’s brother-in-law – kidney problems)
George Cruz (Maggie’s brother – Chemo at MD Anderson)
Ardelle Sumter (Arlie Cooksey's mom, dementia)
Valerie Yates (George Stan's friend - cancer)
Nelda Davila's mother (Alzheimer's)
Elna Walker (Donna Morgan's mother - Congestive Heart Failure)
Gene Mabry (Amy Torno's dad - liver transplant candidate)
Cyndi Garcia's dad (breathing problems)
George Stan (Julie's cousin)
Nora Phillips (Cindy Graf's mom at home on oxygen)
If you want people added to this prayer list, the best way is to let me know via e-mail.
Uncle Rob
Dave Gilliam (Chemo)
Gilliam family (loss of son-in-law, Homer Huber)
Vivian Meeker (Macular degeneration)
Virginia Lawler
Herb Buehler
Jean Cave (complications with pacemaker)
Syble Peterson (hip problems)
Cyndi Paul (recovering from knee surgery)
Amanda Drum
Becky Garcia (Her mom, Cyndi, requests prayers)
Dan Graf (Sarcoidosis)
Dwayne Murphy (Pemphigus vulgaris)
Liz Graf
Family and Friends
Darrel Roberts
Rick Garcia (Intestinal surgery)
Selma Soleyn (Cancer)
Holly Dixon (Breast Cancer)
Helen Karlsen (Julie’s aunt – COPD)
Donna Allen (Veda’s friend)
Jenny Washington (Bonnie Davis’ sister – sick)
Scott Perkins (ask God to help him find his faith)
D.L. Hutchins (spiritual - illness)
Elizabeth Robles (Her mom, Priscilla Guel, asks prayers for spiritual weakness)
Ofelia Guzman
Mike Garcia (Lucas requests prayers for his dad - spiritual illness)
Tim and Ben Bueno (Patsy requests prayers for her sons - spiritual illness)
Manuel Perez Jr. (parents ask for prayer - spiritual illness)
Dennis Bailey (Fred’s brother-in-law – kidney problems)
George Cruz (Maggie’s brother – Chemo at MD Anderson)
Ardelle Sumter (Arlie Cooksey's mom, dementia)
Valerie Yates (George Stan's friend - cancer)
Nelda Davila's mother (Alzheimer's)
Elna Walker (Donna Morgan's mother - Congestive Heart Failure)
Gene Mabry (Amy Torno's dad - liver transplant candidate)
Cyndi Garcia's dad (breathing problems)
George Stan (Julie's cousin)
Nora Phillips (Cindy Graf's mom at home on oxygen)
If you want people added to this prayer list, the best way is to let me know via e-mail.
Uncle Rob
Monday, September 7, 2009
Know Your New Parkway Members

Raul & Michelle, Ronisha and John Christie
333 Alameda, #11
CC, TX. 78411
(361) 461-2744
Church News. Sept. 6, 2009
Proverbs 12:13, “An evil man is ensnared by the transgression of his lips… but the righteous will escape from trouble.
When I read this verse I immediately thought of Phillip Garido, the evil man who kidnapped and raped 11 year old Jaycee Dugard and held her in captivity for 18 years. Truly Garido is evil. For 18 years he hid Jaycee and successfully outwitted the law. In the end he was “ensnared by the transgression of his own lips”. The Corpus Christi Caller-Times reports, “Going and proselytizing it in a public place, needing to get a permit and he brings the two kids and blurts out his criminal record – it’s very possible on some level, unconsciously, he wanted to put an end to it and didn’t know how to do it”.
There is a payment due for evil living and the evil will set the trap for themselves.
We need a volunteer to help RD Cave replace AC filters at the building. Preferably someone under the age of 70.
Remember David Holder from Ft. Worth will be here on Saturday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm to work with our teachers. Let’s have a great turnout.
From Jeff Carr…
Colossians class on Thursday evening, at 7pm, beginning on Sept 10 and ending Oct 1 (4 consecutive Thursdays). At Ray and Linda Torno's house.
Saturday, Sept. 19 everyone is invited to our home for a Potluck commemorating the upcoming marriage of Jacob Mokry to Amber Jensen. Everyone is invited, men, women and children. Be sure to bring lawn chairs.
Adult Classes this Quarter
Sunday Morning and Wednesday night
Auditorium: Bob Bickle (Resisting Satan)
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Psalms 119)
Adult 2: Jeff & Karen Turner (Parenting class)
Adult 3: Paul Smith (College class)
Sunday Morning Only
Adult 4: Rob Perkins (Proverbs)
Wednesday Night Only
Adult 3: Joe Vaughan (A Walk Through the New Testament)
Sunday Night Only
Auditorium: Various men preaching on the subject of family and home.
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Song of Solomon)
Adult 2: Walker & Shane (Singing Class)
Proverbs 12:13, “An evil man is ensnared by the transgression of his lips… but the righteous will escape from trouble.
When I read this verse I immediately thought of Phillip Garido, the evil man who kidnapped and raped 11 year old Jaycee Dugard and held her in captivity for 18 years. Truly Garido is evil. For 18 years he hid Jaycee and successfully outwitted the law. In the end he was “ensnared by the transgression of his own lips”. The Corpus Christi Caller-Times reports, “Going and proselytizing it in a public place, needing to get a permit and he brings the two kids and blurts out his criminal record – it’s very possible on some level, unconsciously, he wanted to put an end to it and didn’t know how to do it”.
There is a payment due for evil living and the evil will set the trap for themselves.
We need a volunteer to help RD Cave replace AC filters at the building. Preferably someone under the age of 70.
Remember David Holder from Ft. Worth will be here on Saturday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm to work with our teachers. Let’s have a great turnout.
From Jeff Carr…
Colossians class on Thursday evening, at 7pm, beginning on Sept 10 and ending Oct 1 (4 consecutive Thursdays). At Ray and Linda Torno's house.
Saturday, Sept. 19 everyone is invited to our home for a Potluck commemorating the upcoming marriage of Jacob Mokry to Amber Jensen. Everyone is invited, men, women and children. Be sure to bring lawn chairs.
Adult Classes this Quarter
Sunday Morning and Wednesday night
Auditorium: Bob Bickle (Resisting Satan)
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Psalms 119)
Adult 2: Jeff & Karen Turner (Parenting class)
Adult 3: Paul Smith (College class)
Sunday Morning Only
Adult 4: Rob Perkins (Proverbs)
Wednesday Night Only
Adult 3: Joe Vaughan (A Walk Through the New Testament)
Sunday Night Only
Auditorium: Various men preaching on the subject of family and home.
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Song of Solomon)
Adult 2: Walker & Shane (Singing Class)
Prayer List
Prayer List – members
Nuckel’s baby (premature)
Gilliam family (loss of son-in-law, Homer Huber)
Vivian Meeker (Macular degeneration)
Virginia Lawler
Herb Buehler
Jean Cave (complications with pacemaker)
Syble Peterson (hip problems)
Cyndi Paul (recovering from knee surgery)
Amanda Drum
Becky Garcia (Her mom, Cyndi, requests prayers)
Dan Graf (Sarcoidosis)
Dwayne Murphy (Pemphigus vulgaris)
Dave Gilliam (Chemo)
Liz Graf
Family and Friends
Darrel Roberts
Rick Garcia (Intestinal surgery)
Selma Soleyn (Cancer)
Holly Dixon (Breast Cancer)
Helen Karlsen (Julie’s aunt – COPD)
Donna Allen (Veda’s friend)
Jenny Washington (Bonnie Davis’ sister – sick)
Scott Perkins (ask God to help him find his faith)
D.L. Hutchins (spiritual - illness)
Elizabeth Robles (Her mom, Priscilla Guel, asks prayers for spiritual weakness)
Ofelia Guzman
Mike Garcia (Lucas requests prayers for his dad - spiritual illness)
Tim and Ben Bueno (Patsy requests prayers for her sons - spiritual illness)
Manuel Perez Jr. (parents ask for prayer - spiritual illness)
Dennis Bailey (Fred’s brother-in-law – kidney problems)
George Cruz (Maggie’s brother – Chemo at MD Anderson)
Ardelle Sumter (Arlie Cooksey's mom, dementia)
Valerie Yates (George Stan's friend - cancer)
Nelda Davila's mother (Alzheimer's)
Elna Walker (Donna Morgan's mother - Congestive Heart Failure)
Gene Mabry (Amy Torno's dad - liver transplant candidate)
Cyndi Garcia's dad (breathing problems)
George Stan (Julie's cousin)
Nora Phillips (Cindy Graf's mom at home on oxygen)
If you want people added to this prayer list, the best way is to let me know via e-mail.
Uncle Rob
Nuckel’s baby (premature)
Gilliam family (loss of son-in-law, Homer Huber)
Vivian Meeker (Macular degeneration)
Virginia Lawler
Herb Buehler
Jean Cave (complications with pacemaker)
Syble Peterson (hip problems)
Cyndi Paul (recovering from knee surgery)
Amanda Drum
Becky Garcia (Her mom, Cyndi, requests prayers)
Dan Graf (Sarcoidosis)
Dwayne Murphy (Pemphigus vulgaris)
Dave Gilliam (Chemo)
Liz Graf
Family and Friends
Darrel Roberts
Rick Garcia (Intestinal surgery)
Selma Soleyn (Cancer)
Holly Dixon (Breast Cancer)
Helen Karlsen (Julie’s aunt – COPD)
Donna Allen (Veda’s friend)
Jenny Washington (Bonnie Davis’ sister – sick)
Scott Perkins (ask God to help him find his faith)
D.L. Hutchins (spiritual - illness)
Elizabeth Robles (Her mom, Priscilla Guel, asks prayers for spiritual weakness)
Ofelia Guzman
Mike Garcia (Lucas requests prayers for his dad - spiritual illness)
Tim and Ben Bueno (Patsy requests prayers for her sons - spiritual illness)
Manuel Perez Jr. (parents ask for prayer - spiritual illness)
Dennis Bailey (Fred’s brother-in-law – kidney problems)
George Cruz (Maggie’s brother – Chemo at MD Anderson)
Ardelle Sumter (Arlie Cooksey's mom, dementia)
Valerie Yates (George Stan's friend - cancer)
Nelda Davila's mother (Alzheimer's)
Elna Walker (Donna Morgan's mother - Congestive Heart Failure)
Gene Mabry (Amy Torno's dad - liver transplant candidate)
Cyndi Garcia's dad (breathing problems)
George Stan (Julie's cousin)
Nora Phillips (Cindy Graf's mom at home on oxygen)
If you want people added to this prayer list, the best way is to let me know via e-mail.
Uncle Rob
Know Your Parkway Members
Proverbs 11:16, "A gracious woman attains honor".
I asked my class this morning if they could name someone who they considered to be a gracious woman. The first response was… Mamie Smitherman. Yeah… I can agree with that. Mamie has been gone about 5 years now but I still remember the small crowd of women who would surround her after church every service to visit with her. Of course Mamie had a handicap and couldn’t get around very well. I guess it was her goodness that attracted so many to her. Although her witty humor was an attraction too.
You know it doesn’t take long to forget people who haven’t lived well but a gracious woman, like Mamie, is hard to forget. Our lives are richer because of her and people like her.
We announced Wednesday night that we didn’t have enough handicapped parking spaces and some of our elderly members who can only attend Sunday morning worship services were having to park at the back of the parking lot. We requested that until we can designate more handicapped parking that the rest of us not park so close to the building.
Thanks for leaving those spaces open this morning. Rock on!
Mike Dubose (from Cy-Fair in Houston) will preach this coming Sunday on the subject of Evolution. He will present four lessons: Sunday at 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm.
We had some new college students in today…
Some of the songleaders tonight at our meeting wondered about a website where they can hear Christian music. Try this one…
From Donna Morgan…
I’ve been at the hospital with Victoria since Saturday night. She delivered her baby boy today. So far both are doing well. He was 3 pounds 3 ounces, and just over 16" long. He will be in the Infant ICU at Spohn South until he is big enough to go home. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and well wishes.
From Jeff Carr…
Colossians class on Thursday evening, at 7pm, beginning on Sept 10 and ending Oct 1 (4 consecutive Thursdays). At Ray and Linda Torno's house.
Leah Waters’ daughter Alia was in a traffic accident but is doing OK.
Last week I mention we had three surfers in the congregation… Joe, Trey and Cody. Add two to that number… Jeff Carr and Brian Snively. I’m thinking about taking lessons so I can "hang 10" with those guys.
We continue to tweak the adult class schedule for September. There are a few minor changes.
Sunday Morning and Wednesday night
Auditorium: Bob Bickle (Resisting Satan)
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Psalms 119)
Adult 2: Jeff & Karen Turner (Parenting class)
Adult 3: Paul Smith (College class)
Sunday Morning Only
Adult 4: Rob Perkins (Proverbs)
Wednesday Night Only
Adult 3: Joe Vaughan (A Walk Through the New Testament)
Sunday Night Only
Auditorium: Various men preaching on the subject of family and home.
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Song of Solomon)
Adult 2: Walker & Shane (Singing Class)
Proverbs 11:16, "A gracious woman attains honor".
I asked my class this morning if they could name someone who they considered to be a gracious woman. The first response was… Mamie Smitherman. Yeah… I can agree with that. Mamie has been gone about 5 years now but I still remember the small crowd of women who would surround her after church every service to visit with her. Of course Mamie had a handicap and couldn’t get around very well. I guess it was her goodness that attracted so many to her. Although her witty humor was an attraction too.
You know it doesn’t take long to forget people who haven’t lived well but a gracious woman, like Mamie, is hard to forget. Our lives are richer because of her and people like her.
We announced Wednesday night that we didn’t have enough handicapped parking spaces and some of our elderly members who can only attend Sunday morning worship services were having to park at the back of the parking lot. We requested that until we can designate more handicapped parking that the rest of us not park so close to the building.
Thanks for leaving those spaces open this morning. Rock on!
Mike Dubose (from Cy-Fair in Houston) will preach this coming Sunday on the subject of Evolution. He will present four lessons: Sunday at 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm.
We had some new college students in today…
Some of the songleaders tonight at our meeting wondered about a website where they can hear Christian music. Try this one…
From Donna Morgan…
I’ve been at the hospital with Victoria since Saturday night. She delivered her baby boy today. So far both are doing well. He was 3 pounds 3 ounces, and just over 16" long. He will be in the Infant ICU at Spohn South until he is big enough to go home. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and well wishes.
From Jeff Carr…
Colossians class on Thursday evening, at 7pm, beginning on Sept 10 and ending Oct 1 (4 consecutive Thursdays). At Ray and Linda Torno's house.
Leah Waters’ daughter Alia was in a traffic accident but is doing OK.
Last week I mention we had three surfers in the congregation… Joe, Trey and Cody. Add two to that number… Jeff Carr and Brian Snively. I’m thinking about taking lessons so I can "hang 10" with those guys.
We continue to tweak the adult class schedule for September. There are a few minor changes.
Sunday Morning and Wednesday night
Auditorium: Bob Bickle (Resisting Satan)
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Psalms 119)
Adult 2: Jeff & Karen Turner (Parenting class)
Adult 3: Paul Smith (College class)
Sunday Morning Only
Adult 4: Rob Perkins (Proverbs)
Wednesday Night Only
Adult 3: Joe Vaughan (A Walk Through the New Testament)
Sunday Night Only
Auditorium: Various men preaching on the subject of family and home.
Adult 1: David Smitherman (Song of Solomon)
Adult 2: Walker & Shane (Singing Class)
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