Sunday, September 13, 2020

Wow, How and Wow/How

Nehemiah is a keen example of leadership. He identified a project (rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem) and built a team of people to complete that project. Let’s consider a few things about Nehemiah.
- Nehemiah cared about the condition of Jerusalem without walls. He bought into it emotionally. Even though he had zero abilities at wall building (he was a cupbearer)he knew that with the help of God he could do it.
- Nehemiah fasted and prayed to God about the project. I don’t know if God responded to him or if he did what God told him to do but people of faith always go to God first.
- Nehemiah was the cup bearer for the king of the Medo-Persian empire. Nehemiah knew he would need the king’s help and knew what kind of man the king was. So Nehemiah prepared for the one and only moment that would present itself.
- When the moment came Nehemiah presented the King with the scope and magnitude of the project, a time line, a materials list and letters of authorization including for safe passage. He was prepared.
- When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem he didn’t know who his friends or who his enemies were so some level of secrecy was required and he went out at night by himself to view the project. He wanted his own eyes on it.
- Nehemiah assembled the people and communicated to them the need to rebuild the walls and a team was built on that day and the repair started.
- Nehemiah strengthened his team by writing down and naming who all was doing the work. He didn’t take credit himself but gave all the credit to the workers. People like being identified.
- Enemies to the project arose. Those enemies included outsiders but also many insiders including some of the priests who’s families had inter married with the outsiders. Again Nehemiah went directly to God in prayer for help with the enemies and he had to think on his feet.
- Nehemiah had spies who learned of the enemies actions and Nehemiah was able to counter their evil plans.
- Nehemiah had the right to eat the delicate food that the king provided him but he refused to do so. He wanted to identify with the working people not the privileged royalty.
- Nehemiah identified for the people why the walls had been torn down in the first place and that the same behaviors still existed. Why rebuild a wall that is just going to be torn down again if the people aren’t living righteously? So Nehemiah had the priests communicating God’s word to the people.
Nowadays two types of people are commonly identified “wow” people and “how” people. Wow people have lots of ideas and are volunteering them to anyone who will listen. How people listed to the ideas and say… OK, have you given any thought to how your wow idea can be accomplished?
So which one was Nehemiah? He was both… he was a Wow-How guy. Those types of people are pretty rare… except with God’s help.
Have a wow-type of idea? Buy into it, ask for God’s help (every day) and prepare, prepare, prepare and God will help you with the “How” and maybe… like Nehemiah… you can build a wall around God’s city.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Surprised By Prayer

A transformation has occurred in my prayer life, one that I didn’t predict or expect and I don’t really know when it happened but it’s real. It dawned on me tonight when I was sitting in on a Bible class about prayer and our attitude about prayer.
I guess prayer for me has been an obligatory sort of thing… a measure of faith as a Christian. I am a Christian therefore I pray.
Tonight I realized that I love my “hour” of prayer and look forward to it. In fact, if somehow something interferes with it… I am deeply annoyed.
You see for some time now I get up in the morning and sit down with my Bible and read it. After I am done reading I get down on my knees and pray.
Sometimes I pray about things that are bothering me… like an issue with someone or something and I tell God that my spirit is troubled and I’m not sure what to do and to please help me. Let me tell you this God has helped me 100% of the time with those situations and of course I always thank him.
I thank God for Julie and ask him that we might have a long life together and that we would die on the exact same day.
I thank God for our family and my mother and Julie’s mother.
I thank God for our children and their excellent mates.
I thank God for my grandchildren and ask him to protect them.
I pray that my family members that need it would find faith.
I pray for the old folks at church that I love so much.
I pray for the special needs of the congregation that I am a shepherd of.
I thank God for that morning’s reading.
I pray that God would open my eyes so I might understand the truths he has recorded for me.
I pray to God that he would help me write articles and that I may become a better teacher.
I thank God for my prosperity and my good health.
And I pray that God would use me to influence others to become faithful.
I love my “hour of prayer” that doesn’t quite last an hour. If something happens and I need to talk to God I impatiently wait for that special time I have with him.
I was reading in Deuteronomy this morning that Israel had to “tithe” in order to learn to revere God. I suspect the same thing is true with prayer… you start praying because you are commanded to and then wake up one day and realize that God is not just some made up story but a true and real friend that you can’t do without.