Friday, August 31, 2012

Church News Nov 2, 2008

We had a 10 year anniversary party at Tejas Vet. Clinic last month. We invited all our clients to attend. It was very successful. What amazed me, and I guess it shouldn’t have, was how motivated we were to clean the place up and spruce it up a little bit. In fact, a lot of things I have just let slide over the years, all of a sudden I fixed up. That’s human nature I suppose… if there’s no deadline… we’re not greatly motivated to do things. It made me think of our lives and our accountability to God. It sure would be nice if God would just tell us when he’s coming to judge the world. That way we could all be ready. I can just see it… all of a sudden people would start dealing with sin in their lives. Even some of the “gray” areas of sin would suddenly become “black and white” for us.. After all we would not want to take any chance that we could end up in Hell and suffer eternal condemnation. Who would risk that? Not only that but all of a sudden we would be looking for opportunities to serve others But you know what? I’m afraid that if God did actually give the exact date when he was coming back that there would be some “smart” guy who wait right up to the day before judgment to make things right. Sort of sneak in right at the last minute. And that’s not what God wants in people. He doesn’t want folks who are trying to beat the system. He wants people who believe in him and are so grateful that they want to be exactly the kind of people God wants them to be. I guess it’s better for God not to announce the exact day when he’s coming. We need to adjust ourselves to God’s plan and not try to adjust God’s plan to ourselves. Speaking of anniversary parties it would be great if we could have one at Parkway. There are a lot of things that need to be done at the building. If anyone knows how to install door sets we have about four that are sitting around in boxes.

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