Mt. 12 contains an account of Jesus healing a deaf and mute man. The enemies of Jesus attributed his power to heal to the power of the Devil. Jesus responds by saying this…
“… Every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.”
Contextually, the sin that cannot be forgiven is the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Many have played with this verse and said things like the unforgivable sin is the sin that is not repented of or it is suicide because that is a sin one cannot repent of. I suspect the reason for saying these things is compassion… compassion to turn those who have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit to come back to God.
Why would God refuse to forgive those who blaspheme against him?
Notice 1 Sam 2:24 and 1 Sam. 2:13-14…
“If one person sins against another, God may mediate for the offender; but if anyone sins against the LORD, who will intercede for them?”
“For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons blasphemed God, and he failed to restrain them. Therefore I swore to the house of Eli, ‘The guilt of Eli’s house will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.’”
The sin of blaspheming (speaking against) God is so grievous to him that he does not offer a sacrifice to atone for it. Therefore there is no forgiveness for it.
We may not like the consequences for those who blaspheme God because of our compassion for loved ones who are in that position but that should not lead us to change the meaning of Matthew 12. Instead we should teach and preach about the seriousness of blaspheming God so that people will think twice before sinning the sin that cannot be forgiven.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Adult Classes Winter Quarter
Adult 1 - "Life of Abraham". David Smitherman
Sunday Morning Only
Adult 2 - "Esther". Rob Perkins
Adult 3 - International Student Class. Jeff Carr
Wednesday Night Only
Adult 2 - "Romans". Joseph Vaughan
Sunday Night
Auditorium - Old Testament Studies. Various Speakers
Adult 1 - "Ephesians". David Smitherman
Adult 1 - "Life of Abraham". David Smitherman
Sunday Morning Only
Adult 2 - "Esther". Rob Perkins
Adult 3 - International Student Class. Jeff Carr
Wednesday Night Only
Adult 2 - "Romans". Joseph Vaughan
Sunday Night
Auditorium - Old Testament Studies. Various Speakers
Adult 1 - "Ephesians". David Smitherman
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Ineffective Parenting
Eli was the High Priest over Israel his two sons, Hophni and Phineas, assisted him as Priests in the work.
“Eli’s sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for the LORD”
Eli’s sons abused their position by having sex with the women who served and by handling the sacrifices improperly. Eli was aware of his son’s evil behavior and reprimanded them.
“Why do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours. No, my sons; the report I hear spreading among the LORD’s people is not good. If one person sins against another, God may mediate for the offender; but if anyone sins against the LORD, who will intercede for them?” His sons, however, did not listen to their father’s rebuke”
Because of Eli’s ineffectual parenting God killed the two sons and punished Eli.
“At that time I will carry out against Eli everything I spoke against his family—from beginning to end. For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons blasphemed God, and he failed to restrain them. Therefore I swore to the house of Eli, ‘The guilt of Eli’s house will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.”
“The man who brought the news replied, “Israel fled before the Philistines, and the army has suffered heavy losses. Also your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, are dead, and the ark of God has been captured.” When he mentioned the ark of God, Eli fell backward off his chair by the side of the gate. His neck was broken and he died, for he was an old man, and he was heavy. He had led Israel forty years.”
Eli was not effective as a parent. He had the means at his disposal to control his sons but did not use it. Minimally as a parent he reprimanded them and perhaps convinced himself that he was doing all he could do but he was a failure.
Parents should never tolerate a child’s misbehavior. Don’t be like Eli and use one tool and give up. Children can be controlled and it’s in their best interests that they be controlled. Study God’s Word and read the story of Helen Keller.
“Eli’s sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for the LORD”
Eli’s sons abused their position by having sex with the women who served and by handling the sacrifices improperly. Eli was aware of his son’s evil behavior and reprimanded them.
“Why do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours. No, my sons; the report I hear spreading among the LORD’s people is not good. If one person sins against another, God may mediate for the offender; but if anyone sins against the LORD, who will intercede for them?” His sons, however, did not listen to their father’s rebuke”
Because of Eli’s ineffectual parenting God killed the two sons and punished Eli.
“At that time I will carry out against Eli everything I spoke against his family—from beginning to end. For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons blasphemed God, and he failed to restrain them. Therefore I swore to the house of Eli, ‘The guilt of Eli’s house will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.”
“The man who brought the news replied, “Israel fled before the Philistines, and the army has suffered heavy losses. Also your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, are dead, and the ark of God has been captured.” When he mentioned the ark of God, Eli fell backward off his chair by the side of the gate. His neck was broken and he died, for he was an old man, and he was heavy. He had led Israel forty years.”
Eli was not effective as a parent. He had the means at his disposal to control his sons but did not use it. Minimally as a parent he reprimanded them and perhaps convinced himself that he was doing all he could do but he was a failure.
Parents should never tolerate a child’s misbehavior. Don’t be like Eli and use one tool and give up. Children can be controlled and it’s in their best interests that they be controlled. Study God’s Word and read the story of Helen Keller.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
"Spiritual Defined and the Use of Faciltities"
I've been on a discussion list involving the definition of what "spiritual" means. The discussion has moved to how we can use the facilities that belong to the church. I copied the following post to Walker and his response follows.
Maybe we differ on what the work of the church is. I understand from the scriptures that the work of the church is the bringing it's members to full spiritual maturity. Among it's tools are encouragement, edification and admonishment. In addition, the church is a place where believers can exercise their spiritual responsibilities to God and to each other.
Spiritual responsibilities are spiritual imperatives and principles revealed in the scriptures by direct command, example and inference. The application of those spiritual responsibilities are also spiritual. The church and it's resources can be used to accomplish the work of the church in both the bringing of it's members to spiritual maturity and the exercise of their spiritual responsibilities to each other.
From Walker...
You repeat yourself, all of the underlined terms are synonymous. Possibly, I would have reworded it as follows:
The Elders and the resources at their disposal must accomplish the work of the Gospel in bringing the church to spiritual maturity.
Rather than considering the church itself to be an institution with resources and tasks, remember that the church is people acting collectively with a unified set of motives. These people have selected administrators in a manner consistent with their unified set of motives for the purpose of accomplishing the collective will of the people that desire to act in concert with God's will.
If the people are ignorant, than the appropriate course of action would be for the elders/adminstrators to educate--thus, Bible classes.
If the people are disconnected from one another then it is the appropriate course of action for the elders/administrators to make provision to draw them together--thus, social functions.
A multipurpose room open for communal use is merely the most basic and natural expedient to either of these ends, both of which are subject to the same set of unified motives
My response to Walker...
Using synonymous terms to define a concept is a well known teaching tool.
Maybe we differ on what the work of the church is. I understand from the scriptures that the work of the church is the bringing it's members to full spiritual maturity. Among it's tools are encouragement, edification and admonishment. In addition, the church is a place where believers can exercise their spiritual responsibilities to God and to each other.
Spiritual responsibilities are spiritual imperatives and principles revealed in the scriptures by direct command, example and inference. The application of those spiritual responsibilities are also spiritual. The church and it's resources can be used to accomplish the work of the church in both the bringing of it's members to spiritual maturity and the exercise of their spiritual responsibilities to each other.
From Walker...
You repeat yourself, all of the underlined terms are synonymous. Possibly, I would have reworded it as follows:
The Elders and the resources at their disposal must accomplish the work of the Gospel in bringing the church to spiritual maturity.
Rather than considering the church itself to be an institution with resources and tasks, remember that the church is people acting collectively with a unified set of motives. These people have selected administrators in a manner consistent with their unified set of motives for the purpose of accomplishing the collective will of the people that desire to act in concert with God's will.
If the people are ignorant, than the appropriate course of action would be for the elders/adminstrators to educate--thus, Bible classes.
If the people are disconnected from one another then it is the appropriate course of action for the elders/administrators to make provision to draw them together--thus, social functions.
A multipurpose room open for communal use is merely the most basic and natural expedient to either of these ends, both of which are subject to the same set of unified motives
My response to Walker...
Using synonymous terms to define a concept is a well known teaching tool.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Pat Hubert's Eulogy
This is my partner, Pancho Hubert's, dad's eulogy. I think it contains some great advice for living and with Pancho's permission I'm publishing it here. This was written by Pancho's oldest brother Vernie. I've had this in my files for awhile and I just ran across it.
Last Saturday was a day that I have been dreading all my life... my Dad died.
It is incredibly difficult to place into words a coherent and concise portrait of who my Dad was. I want to state the obvious from the outset; I will not do it justice. So for my inarticulateness and inadequacy, I apologize in advance; but as Poppa would say, “Bear with me, and I’ll give it my best shot.”
Dad was a wonderfully multi-faceted individual: to his faith, he was Patrick Laverne Hubert; to many of his TAMC baseball teammates, he was Patty; to his wife, he was Pat; to his children, he was Dad; to his many grandchildren, he was Poppa; and to the larger community, he was Doc. To explore in depth what each of these mean would violate one of Poppa’s rules about public speaking which was, “The head can only absorb, what the rear can endure” in other words, keep it short and simple. Therefore, I am going to try to provide a 50,000 foot view of him. In doing this, I know that I am going to shortchange facets of his life and many people that knew him and loved him but I cannot possibly hope to cover all at this time.
So, I will start with family, even though I should begin with his faith. His religion was the core from which all things flowed and it was intricately entwined throughout everything he did. However, I think family is the easier place to start–if you can characterize 9 children, 31 grandchildren, and 7 great grandchildren as an “easy starting point”. For me to even list them would violate his posterior rule, and would not even include the many cousins, nieces, nephews, brother, sister, (and in-laws). There are many people whom he considered kin by association. Or in other words, people he touched with his faith and through these they became related to him, as by blood.
Many of these look upon him as a brother/uncle/father/grandfather. So at the 50,000 foot level I will have to focus on the most important member of his life–Goldia Anne Burroughs Hubert, or as most people know her now “Buella”. That “city girl” from the large metropolis of Robstown whom he avidly courted and married.
I know it sounds funny and strange that I would say “courted” in referring to Poppa. It connotes romance and courtly rules in wooing a spouse. Certainly “romance” is not the word that comes to mind when you think of Poppa–just like John Wayne, no mushy stuff for him. The exception to this has always been his wife–Goldie. From the first moment they met in the drugstore in Sinton, he knew what “heifer” he wanted to build his foundation herd. Only by reading some of the “love letters” he wrote to Buella from college (which I might add Mambo wouldn’t let us finish reading) do you understand their type of love. It is a love built upon his faith. They courted and married in a chaste Christian manner. The Biblical admonition of “two shall become One” epitomizes their relationship. Even as very young children we knew who came first–for Buella it was Poppa and for Poppa it was Buella. There was no playing one against the other; if a decision was made then the other supported it. I am not going to pretend that there were never any harsh words. Many of the people here today are people that he coached in baseball and Poppa could be verbally harsh; I can assure you that he did not save it only for the ball field. If anyone he knew was engaging in inappropriate conduct, be it throwing or otherwise, he let you know in no uncertain terms. My Dad had an inability to dissemble and was not known for sugar coating the truth as he saw it. That’s not to say that he couldn’t be diplomatic; he was as diplomatic as the situation required - always influenced by his Texas straightforwardness. Working in Washington I am continually amazed at certain individuals that are held in high regard. They have an inability to speak the truth because it may offend... that was never a problem with Poppa.
I want to speak about their marriage today for my daughter, nieces and nephews, and the many young people who looked up to him. In this day and age of casual relations and disposable marriages theirs is one for them to emulate. For 54 years their Christian marriage endured and became stronger day by day. This wasn’t by chance. It began on the firm foundation of their Christian beliefs. You need to know and understand that life can be SO easy, if you do the right thing. I will tell you as he told us: “Don’t ever short change the Lord, and the Lord will never short change you”.
My Dad was a product of South Texas and was actively involved in its affairs. Rotary Club, military service, veterinarian, school board member, Kleberg-Kenedy County Livestock show, Bank Board Member, to name just a few. It is here that his attitudes and values were established. He was very proud of his ranching heritage and the values it represented... independence, hard work, keeping one’s word, to name just a few. From the time he was 4 years old (I know it is hard to believe in today’s world) he was working cattle with Poppy (or Granddad for my cousins). There was not a day in his life that he did not accomplish something. One of the worst things a person could do was be lazy or complacent. Every activity he pursued, he did it with the single-minded purpose of doing it to the best of his abilities. I remember as a child cleaning the floor of the clinic in a haphazard manner. He stopped me and instructed me on the proper way to sweep and mop the floor. To Poppa, anything worth doing (no matter how menial) was worth doing well. And yes, to those of you who worked with him at the clinic, I was taught with the same delicate teaching style that you were. Poppa showed no favoritism, king or serf... everyone was treated the same way. I would add that for those whom it seemed he was particularly hard on, it was only because he knew you could do better so he would not accept less.
This is where I need to talk about sports... particularly baseball. It was his passion and a major way he influenced so many young people. I am always amazed that when I relate Poppa’s way of coaching to people in today’s world; many are skeptical if not outright opposed to some of his, shall I say “severe” methods of coaching. What is difficult to relate is that... yes Poppa expected a lot from his players... but they knew he gave 110%. To Poppa, talent was great, but talent was God given. A person didn’t do anything himself to get talent. What he most admired was spirit. Hustle was everything. God might not have given everyone the same abilities, but through devotion and hard work, one can eclipse talent. Which brings me to his next passion... Texas A& M University.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the influence TAMC (as it was then known) had on his life. Poppa was an older TAMC student. He had been farming and ranching in South Texas for a few years when he finally decided to attend TAMU. Certainly the family tradition on his mother’s Sullivan/Fahey side of attending TAMC was an influence, but playing baseball was also a major factor. In the Corps of Cadets and on the ball field at TAMC his natural leadership abilities were honed and sharpened. These influences he brought back to South Texas and used in encouraging other young people to attend. As a young child Dad told me that he would pay for a TAMU education or the seminary... those were the choices. And with all due respect to his Excellency and the other religious here today (Father Romeo being excepted)... I realized early on that women would probably derail any papal aspirations that I might have. I would also say that of all his accomplishments at TAMU, the ones he considered most important were the positive religious influence that he exerted on his roommates. Which brings me to the final topic of my 50,000 feet view of Poppa’s life and the most important... his Catholic faith.
Although the Church has always been the center of his life... for most he was not one to wear his religion on his sleeve. I think for many of the young cowboys he influenced, it was not apparent and the reason he was so effective was the subtle manner in which it was imbedded in all that he did. However, if you looked, it was quite overt. Since his first receipt of the Blessed Sacrament as a young boy he was a daily communicant. His type of faith can be daunting to those less inspired and disciplined. The Biblical figure whom I think most resembles my Dad is Abraham. Poppa didn’t have issues with doubts or denial. As important as his family was to him, if God would have demanded a sacrifice he would have provided it... without question. For us, he provided an example of how to live a Christ centered life in today’s distracting and demanding world. He had an unwavering, uncompromising, devotion to Our Lord. Growing up, the entire family went to daily Mass. I find it hard to imagine, we can barely get anywhere on time, but 7:30 Mass in the morning with 9 children is truly miraculous. He instilled in us a strong sense of right and wrong and the temperament to act upon it. I hate to admit that unfortunately there were times in my life when I did not live up to his example and Christian teachings. These were choices that I made as a foolish young man. Thanks to Poppa, there was never any doubt in my mind what was right and what was wrong. He provided all of us with the ability to discern the truth... I knew and picked the foolish one. Fortunately, in his wisdom, he was also able to make me understand the fullness of Christ’s love. That even though I might make a wrong choice, that with repentance and a change in my ways, Christ would forgive and salvation would be achievable.
As a family, we have been blessed to have a father like Doc/Poppa. I always knew that he touched many people in ways that I was not aware. We have been absolutely overwhelmed as a family with the outpouring of support from the community at his death. It means so much at times like these. Thank you seems so inadequate for all that has been done. From your response I know that he has left a tremendous hole not only in the family but the community as well. We do realize as a family that the only way we can truly repay the kindness shown, is to continue his work and example... and to this we are committed.
Poppa was a “larger than life” individual. Although his physical being is gone, his spirit lives on. I know as his son that it is immodest for me to say that he was a... South Texas icon. He would say “let your actions do your boasting”. However, I am certain that those of us here today who knew him, will excuse me and join with me in this vanity/immodesty.
Poppa always said that “He was going to work as hard as he could, for as long as he could, and then he was going to lie down and die.” As usual, he did what he said.
This was written by Vernie Hubert with input from his family.
Last Saturday was a day that I have been dreading all my life... my Dad died.
It is incredibly difficult to place into words a coherent and concise portrait of who my Dad was. I want to state the obvious from the outset; I will not do it justice. So for my inarticulateness and inadequacy, I apologize in advance; but as Poppa would say, “Bear with me, and I’ll give it my best shot.”
Dad was a wonderfully multi-faceted individual: to his faith, he was Patrick Laverne Hubert; to many of his TAMC baseball teammates, he was Patty; to his wife, he was Pat; to his children, he was Dad; to his many grandchildren, he was Poppa; and to the larger community, he was Doc. To explore in depth what each of these mean would violate one of Poppa’s rules about public speaking which was, “The head can only absorb, what the rear can endure” in other words, keep it short and simple. Therefore, I am going to try to provide a 50,000 foot view of him. In doing this, I know that I am going to shortchange facets of his life and many people that knew him and loved him but I cannot possibly hope to cover all at this time.
So, I will start with family, even though I should begin with his faith. His religion was the core from which all things flowed and it was intricately entwined throughout everything he did. However, I think family is the easier place to start–if you can characterize 9 children, 31 grandchildren, and 7 great grandchildren as an “easy starting point”. For me to even list them would violate his posterior rule, and would not even include the many cousins, nieces, nephews, brother, sister, (and in-laws). There are many people whom he considered kin by association. Or in other words, people he touched with his faith and through these they became related to him, as by blood.
Many of these look upon him as a brother/uncle/father/grandfather. So at the 50,000 foot level I will have to focus on the most important member of his life–Goldia Anne Burroughs Hubert, or as most people know her now “Buella”. That “city girl” from the large metropolis of Robstown whom he avidly courted and married.
I know it sounds funny and strange that I would say “courted” in referring to Poppa. It connotes romance and courtly rules in wooing a spouse. Certainly “romance” is not the word that comes to mind when you think of Poppa–just like John Wayne, no mushy stuff for him. The exception to this has always been his wife–Goldie. From the first moment they met in the drugstore in Sinton, he knew what “heifer” he wanted to build his foundation herd. Only by reading some of the “love letters” he wrote to Buella from college (which I might add Mambo wouldn’t let us finish reading) do you understand their type of love. It is a love built upon his faith. They courted and married in a chaste Christian manner. The Biblical admonition of “two shall become One” epitomizes their relationship. Even as very young children we knew who came first–for Buella it was Poppa and for Poppa it was Buella. There was no playing one against the other; if a decision was made then the other supported it. I am not going to pretend that there were never any harsh words. Many of the people here today are people that he coached in baseball and Poppa could be verbally harsh; I can assure you that he did not save it only for the ball field. If anyone he knew was engaging in inappropriate conduct, be it throwing or otherwise, he let you know in no uncertain terms. My Dad had an inability to dissemble and was not known for sugar coating the truth as he saw it. That’s not to say that he couldn’t be diplomatic; he was as diplomatic as the situation required - always influenced by his Texas straightforwardness. Working in Washington I am continually amazed at certain individuals that are held in high regard. They have an inability to speak the truth because it may offend... that was never a problem with Poppa.
I want to speak about their marriage today for my daughter, nieces and nephews, and the many young people who looked up to him. In this day and age of casual relations and disposable marriages theirs is one for them to emulate. For 54 years their Christian marriage endured and became stronger day by day. This wasn’t by chance. It began on the firm foundation of their Christian beliefs. You need to know and understand that life can be SO easy, if you do the right thing. I will tell you as he told us: “Don’t ever short change the Lord, and the Lord will never short change you”.
My Dad was a product of South Texas and was actively involved in its affairs. Rotary Club, military service, veterinarian, school board member, Kleberg-Kenedy County Livestock show, Bank Board Member, to name just a few. It is here that his attitudes and values were established. He was very proud of his ranching heritage and the values it represented... independence, hard work, keeping one’s word, to name just a few. From the time he was 4 years old (I know it is hard to believe in today’s world) he was working cattle with Poppy (or Granddad for my cousins). There was not a day in his life that he did not accomplish something. One of the worst things a person could do was be lazy or complacent. Every activity he pursued, he did it with the single-minded purpose of doing it to the best of his abilities. I remember as a child cleaning the floor of the clinic in a haphazard manner. He stopped me and instructed me on the proper way to sweep and mop the floor. To Poppa, anything worth doing (no matter how menial) was worth doing well. And yes, to those of you who worked with him at the clinic, I was taught with the same delicate teaching style that you were. Poppa showed no favoritism, king or serf... everyone was treated the same way. I would add that for those whom it seemed he was particularly hard on, it was only because he knew you could do better so he would not accept less.
This is where I need to talk about sports... particularly baseball. It was his passion and a major way he influenced so many young people. I am always amazed that when I relate Poppa’s way of coaching to people in today’s world; many are skeptical if not outright opposed to some of his, shall I say “severe” methods of coaching. What is difficult to relate is that... yes Poppa expected a lot from his players... but they knew he gave 110%. To Poppa, talent was great, but talent was God given. A person didn’t do anything himself to get talent. What he most admired was spirit. Hustle was everything. God might not have given everyone the same abilities, but through devotion and hard work, one can eclipse talent. Which brings me to his next passion... Texas A& M University.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the influence TAMC (as it was then known) had on his life. Poppa was an older TAMC student. He had been farming and ranching in South Texas for a few years when he finally decided to attend TAMU. Certainly the family tradition on his mother’s Sullivan/Fahey side of attending TAMC was an influence, but playing baseball was also a major factor. In the Corps of Cadets and on the ball field at TAMC his natural leadership abilities were honed and sharpened. These influences he brought back to South Texas and used in encouraging other young people to attend. As a young child Dad told me that he would pay for a TAMU education or the seminary... those were the choices. And with all due respect to his Excellency and the other religious here today (Father Romeo being excepted)... I realized early on that women would probably derail any papal aspirations that I might have. I would also say that of all his accomplishments at TAMU, the ones he considered most important were the positive religious influence that he exerted on his roommates. Which brings me to the final topic of my 50,000 feet view of Poppa’s life and the most important... his Catholic faith.
Although the Church has always been the center of his life... for most he was not one to wear his religion on his sleeve. I think for many of the young cowboys he influenced, it was not apparent and the reason he was so effective was the subtle manner in which it was imbedded in all that he did. However, if you looked, it was quite overt. Since his first receipt of the Blessed Sacrament as a young boy he was a daily communicant. His type of faith can be daunting to those less inspired and disciplined. The Biblical figure whom I think most resembles my Dad is Abraham. Poppa didn’t have issues with doubts or denial. As important as his family was to him, if God would have demanded a sacrifice he would have provided it... without question. For us, he provided an example of how to live a Christ centered life in today’s distracting and demanding world. He had an unwavering, uncompromising, devotion to Our Lord. Growing up, the entire family went to daily Mass. I find it hard to imagine, we can barely get anywhere on time, but 7:30 Mass in the morning with 9 children is truly miraculous. He instilled in us a strong sense of right and wrong and the temperament to act upon it. I hate to admit that unfortunately there were times in my life when I did not live up to his example and Christian teachings. These were choices that I made as a foolish young man. Thanks to Poppa, there was never any doubt in my mind what was right and what was wrong. He provided all of us with the ability to discern the truth... I knew and picked the foolish one. Fortunately, in his wisdom, he was also able to make me understand the fullness of Christ’s love. That even though I might make a wrong choice, that with repentance and a change in my ways, Christ would forgive and salvation would be achievable.
As a family, we have been blessed to have a father like Doc/Poppa. I always knew that he touched many people in ways that I was not aware. We have been absolutely overwhelmed as a family with the outpouring of support from the community at his death. It means so much at times like these. Thank you seems so inadequate for all that has been done. From your response I know that he has left a tremendous hole not only in the family but the community as well. We do realize as a family that the only way we can truly repay the kindness shown, is to continue his work and example... and to this we are committed.
Poppa was a “larger than life” individual. Although his physical being is gone, his spirit lives on. I know as his son that it is immodest for me to say that he was a... South Texas icon. He would say “let your actions do your boasting”. However, I am certain that those of us here today who knew him, will excuse me and join with me in this vanity/immodesty.
Poppa always said that “He was going to work as hard as he could, for as long as he could, and then he was going to lie down and die.” As usual, he did what he said.
This was written by Vernie Hubert with input from his family.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Three Things Revealed from Romans 1 & 2
The Gospel reveals a righteousness of God (1:16-17).
Heaven reveals the wrath of God (1:18).
Not everyone will investigate the Gospel to understand what is revealed there, but everyone can understand the wrath of God because it is revealed from heaven. Namely, God’s everlasting power and divinity is revealed through God’s creation of the world (1:20).
The third thing revealed is the “righteous judgment of God”. It will be revealed in the “day of wrath”. Heaven reveals God’s wrath but there is a “day of wrath”. On that day will be the revelation of the righteous judgment of God.
Eternal life will be awarded to those who by “patience and well doing seek for glory and honor…” (2:7)
Wrath, indignation, tribulation and anguish awaits those who are “factious and obey not the truth” (2:8)
It’s all revealed. Think about the creation and read about the Gospel.
Heaven reveals the wrath of God (1:18).
Not everyone will investigate the Gospel to understand what is revealed there, but everyone can understand the wrath of God because it is revealed from heaven. Namely, God’s everlasting power and divinity is revealed through God’s creation of the world (1:20).
The third thing revealed is the “righteous judgment of God”. It will be revealed in the “day of wrath”. Heaven reveals God’s wrath but there is a “day of wrath”. On that day will be the revelation of the righteous judgment of God.
Eternal life will be awarded to those who by “patience and well doing seek for glory and honor…” (2:7)
Wrath, indignation, tribulation and anguish awaits those who are “factious and obey not the truth” (2:8)
It’s all revealed. Think about the creation and read about the Gospel.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Parkway joins Facebook
Like us on Facebook! We'll be feeding this blog to the fan page as well as having a place for our members to chat!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Congregational Photo
Introductions and Conclusions
Introductions and conclusions in a letter are generally short summations of what is contained in the letter. A conclusion is usually a restatement of the introduction.
Compare the introduction and conclusion in the Roman letter… for instance.
In 1:11, Paul wants to help “establish” the roman Christians. The same thing in the conclusion (16:25) “Now to him that is able to establish you…”
In 1:2, “the Gospel which he promised through “his prophets in the Holy scriptures”. In 16:25, “my Gospel… now manifested… by the scriptures of the prophets”.
In 1:5, “unto obedience of faith among all the nations”. In 16:26, “made known unto all the nations unto obedience of faith”.
See the similarities?
So from the introduction and conclusion (which agree with each other) we can say that the part in between is an expansion of the introduction and conclusion.
Specifically then the letter to the Romans is about being established in the Gospel through the preaching about Jesus Christ and the obedience of faith. It is for all nations, as has been revealed by the prophets in the scriptures. To God be the glory.
Compare the introduction and conclusion in the Roman letter… for instance.
In 1:11, Paul wants to help “establish” the roman Christians. The same thing in the conclusion (16:25) “Now to him that is able to establish you…”
In 1:2, “the Gospel which he promised through “his prophets in the Holy scriptures”. In 16:25, “my Gospel… now manifested… by the scriptures of the prophets”.
In 1:5, “unto obedience of faith among all the nations”. In 16:26, “made known unto all the nations unto obedience of faith”.
See the similarities?
So from the introduction and conclusion (which agree with each other) we can say that the part in between is an expansion of the introduction and conclusion.
Specifically then the letter to the Romans is about being established in the Gospel through the preaching about Jesus Christ and the obedience of faith. It is for all nations, as has been revealed by the prophets in the scriptures. To God be the glory.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Congregational Photo

I pulled this photo off Jeff C's Facebook. He took this as we were setting up. I thought the whole process was a lot of fun. Glenn had to take two pictures and merge them together. He already had the photo done by evening services. He said he was willing and able to add photos of members who were out of town.
You should see the picture he did of David Smitherman and Douglas MacArthur. As soon as we get all the missing members added I'll publish the finished product.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Darrell Hymel
Brother Hymel will be here the first Sunday in December to give us the results of his latest trip to China. We give Darrel some financial support.
You don't want to miss this... you will be very encouraged. By the way it was Darrell's report last year that sewed the seeds for our work with International Students at Texas A&M - Corpus Christi.
You don't want to miss this... you will be very encouraged. By the way it was Darrell's report last year that sewed the seeds for our work with International Students at Texas A&M - Corpus Christi.
Brandon and Memory Verses
Brandon works on his memory verse on the way to church with us every Sunday. He loves saying those memory verses. I asked him if he knew the shortest verse in the Bible, "Jesus Wept". He said, "that's easy I'll bet I can get another star for that one".
He loves getting stars too. By the way I think his whole family is coming to the hayride.
He loves getting stars too. By the way I think his whole family is coming to the hayride.
Congregational Photo
This Sunday after morning services in the courtyard. Photography by Glenn Madden. Glenn says if you can't make it he can "shop" you in.
Cargile Hayride and Wiener Roast
Fall Hayride and Wiener Roast
Saturday, November 20, 2010
2:00 pm (games begin) to 8:00 pm
599 FM 534
Lagarto, Texas
Hayride will begin promptly at 4:00 pm What to bring:
1. wieners and buns and drinks for your family (paper goods, condiments, chile, cheese, etc. willbe provided) bring desert only if you’re willing to share
2. boots, jeans and jackets are recommended (there are lots of stickers), a quilt and lawn chair if you want something more comfy than metal chairs
3. for those with small children, bring their jammies and toothbrush and you can run them through the bathtub and dress them for bed for the ride home (talk to Gail if your need more info)
Directions from Corpus Christi:
(the drive from La Palmera Mall on SPID is approximately 1 hour)
Go I-37 north and exit 77 South toward Kingsville. After going over the overpass immediately get in the right lane and exit onto FM 624/Northwest Blvd. Turn right at intersection (Wal-Mart will then be on your left then you will pass Calallen High School on your right). Go approx. 18 miles to Orange Grove. At the 4-way-stop in Orange Grove turn right onto FM 359 toward Mathis. Proceed about 4 miles and turn left onto FM 534. If you get to Sandia, you missed the turn. After turning onto FM 534 go about 12 miles. You will pass the Mesquite Inn/534 Club on your left. Keep going 1 more mile through the curve and you will see a little green “Lagarto”
sign on the right. Slow down and turn left when you see the 2 new little white “Old Lagarto School” sign and Lagarto Community Club sign. Go down the little blacktop road, through the school parking lot and you will be at our gate. Continue down the lane to the old hay barn near the house to unload and then park your car at the fence in the usual place.
If it is raining in Corpus, please give us a call at the ranch to get the weather conditions there.
Our cell phones are not reliable at the ranch. The land line at Lagarto is 361-547-3808. Just in case, our cell phones are Gail: 215-1682, Gus: 215-1680.
If you want to ride around the ranch, play some games (Rob is planning on volleyball) you must come early in the day to take advantage of the daylight before the hayride.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
2:00 pm (games begin) to 8:00 pm
599 FM 534
Lagarto, Texas
Hayride will begin promptly at 4:00 pm What to bring:
1. wieners and buns and drinks for your family (paper goods, condiments, chile, cheese, etc. willbe provided) bring desert only if you’re willing to share
2. boots, jeans and jackets are recommended (there are lots of stickers), a quilt and lawn chair if you want something more comfy than metal chairs
3. for those with small children, bring their jammies and toothbrush and you can run them through the bathtub and dress them for bed for the ride home (talk to Gail if your need more info)
Directions from Corpus Christi:
(the drive from La Palmera Mall on SPID is approximately 1 hour)
Go I-37 north and exit 77 South toward Kingsville. After going over the overpass immediately get in the right lane and exit onto FM 624/Northwest Blvd. Turn right at intersection (Wal-Mart will then be on your left then you will pass Calallen High School on your right). Go approx. 18 miles to Orange Grove. At the 4-way-stop in Orange Grove turn right onto FM 359 toward Mathis. Proceed about 4 miles and turn left onto FM 534. If you get to Sandia, you missed the turn. After turning onto FM 534 go about 12 miles. You will pass the Mesquite Inn/534 Club on your left. Keep going 1 more mile through the curve and you will see a little green “Lagarto”
sign on the right. Slow down and turn left when you see the 2 new little white “Old Lagarto School” sign and Lagarto Community Club sign. Go down the little blacktop road, through the school parking lot and you will be at our gate. Continue down the lane to the old hay barn near the house to unload and then park your car at the fence in the usual place.
If it is raining in Corpus, please give us a call at the ranch to get the weather conditions there.
Our cell phones are not reliable at the ranch. The land line at Lagarto is 361-547-3808. Just in case, our cell phones are Gail: 215-1682, Gus: 215-1680.
If you want to ride around the ranch, play some games (Rob is planning on volleyball) you must come early in the day to take advantage of the daylight before the hayride.
Updated Prayer List
Prayer List – members
Jana Carr (Stepfather died suddenly)
Diana & Joe Shaw
RD Cave (recovering from intestinal surgery)
Dot Miller (broken shoulder and upcoming knee surgery)
Polly Miller (Dental Surgery)
Jo Anthony (Vision problems)
Vivian Meeker (Macular degeneration)
Virginia Lawler (Heart complications)
Jean Cave (Heart condition)
Syble Peterson (severe arthritis)
Dan Graf (Sarcoidosis)
Dwayne Murphy (Pemphigus vulgaris)
Liz Graf
Family and Friends
Ruth Lara's niece Francesca... entering rehab.
Donna Morgan’s sister-in-law, Lyda Walker, has Lupus
Gay West’s cousin, Tinya Eldridge Bowles Clark, spiritual and health problems
Jana Carr’s mother, Rita Buck, sudden death of husband, Barry Buck)
Jerry Pate, cancer treatment
Ruth Lara’s brother, Rosendo Robledo, Heart problems
Amy Torno's dad - Gene Mabry (liver transplant candidate)
Jennifer Nuckels brother, Reid Storm – blood clots and possible surgery
Cyndia Garcia's sister, Cris, in Pasadena, Ca. has cancer, upcoming surgery
Sandy Case's cousin Logan – recovering from serious snowboarding accident
Donna Morgan's mother in Oklahoma, Elna Walker (Congestive Heart Failure)
Maggie Perez’s mother, Serafina Cruz (Alzheimer’s)
Maggie Perez’s cousin, Leticia Cruz, has been diagnosed with liver cancer
Perkins friend, Craig Clanton (chemo for pre-leukemia and bone marrow transplant)
Perkins friend, Carol Clanton (spinal tumor requiring surgery)
Darrell Hymel (work in China)
Joey Vaughan’ father – Jim Vaughan (aortic aneurism)
Brandi Torres’ grandmother and aunt have cancer
Graf friend - Randall Chisamore (fell from a three story balcony. Massive injuries)
Arlie’s granddaughters – Serenity & Michaela (family problems)
Rob Perkins’ brother - Scott Perkins (ask God to help him find his faith)
D.L. Hutchins (spiritual - illness)
Elizabeth Robles (Priscilla Guel’s daughter, spiritual weakness)
Mike Garcia (Lucas requests prayers for his dad - spiritual illness)
Tim and Ben Bueno (Patsy requests prayers for her sons - spiritual illness)
Manuel Perez Jr. (parents ask for prayer - spiritual illness)
Ardelle Sumter (Arlie Cooksey's mom, dementia)
Nelda Davila's mother (Alzheimer's)
Cyndi Garcia's dad (breathing problems)
George Stan (Julie's cousin)
Ofelia Guzman
Nora Phillips (Cindy Graf's mom at home on oxygen)
Jana Carr (Stepfather died suddenly)
Diana & Joe Shaw
RD Cave (recovering from intestinal surgery)
Dot Miller (broken shoulder and upcoming knee surgery)
Polly Miller (Dental Surgery)
Jo Anthony (Vision problems)
Vivian Meeker (Macular degeneration)
Virginia Lawler (Heart complications)
Jean Cave (Heart condition)
Syble Peterson (severe arthritis)
Dan Graf (Sarcoidosis)
Dwayne Murphy (Pemphigus vulgaris)
Liz Graf
Family and Friends
Ruth Lara's niece Francesca... entering rehab.
Donna Morgan’s sister-in-law, Lyda Walker, has Lupus
Gay West’s cousin, Tinya Eldridge Bowles Clark, spiritual and health problems
Jana Carr’s mother, Rita Buck, sudden death of husband, Barry Buck)
Jerry Pate, cancer treatment
Ruth Lara’s brother, Rosendo Robledo, Heart problems
Amy Torno's dad - Gene Mabry (liver transplant candidate)
Jennifer Nuckels brother, Reid Storm – blood clots and possible surgery
Cyndia Garcia's sister, Cris, in Pasadena, Ca. has cancer, upcoming surgery
Sandy Case's cousin Logan – recovering from serious snowboarding accident
Donna Morgan's mother in Oklahoma, Elna Walker (Congestive Heart Failure)
Maggie Perez’s mother, Serafina Cruz (Alzheimer’s)
Maggie Perez’s cousin, Leticia Cruz, has been diagnosed with liver cancer
Perkins friend, Craig Clanton (chemo for pre-leukemia and bone marrow transplant)
Perkins friend, Carol Clanton (spinal tumor requiring surgery)
Darrell Hymel (work in China)
Joey Vaughan’ father – Jim Vaughan (aortic aneurism)
Brandi Torres’ grandmother and aunt have cancer
Graf friend - Randall Chisamore (fell from a three story balcony. Massive injuries)
Arlie’s granddaughters – Serenity & Michaela (family problems)
Rob Perkins’ brother - Scott Perkins (ask God to help him find his faith)
D.L. Hutchins (spiritual - illness)
Elizabeth Robles (Priscilla Guel’s daughter, spiritual weakness)
Mike Garcia (Lucas requests prayers for his dad - spiritual illness)
Tim and Ben Bueno (Patsy requests prayers for her sons - spiritual illness)
Manuel Perez Jr. (parents ask for prayer - spiritual illness)
Ardelle Sumter (Arlie Cooksey's mom, dementia)
Nelda Davila's mother (Alzheimer's)
Cyndi Garcia's dad (breathing problems)
George Stan (Julie's cousin)
Ofelia Guzman
Nora Phillips (Cindy Graf's mom at home on oxygen)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Two Baptisms

David Smitherman has been studying with this young couple and they were both baptized.
Gail gave me this info.
Robbie has been involved in a home Bible study with Jennifer Cargile and JoDean Murphy taught by David Smitherman. Then PJ started studying with David a short time ago when he got off work. Robbie and PJ are married. Robbie uses her maiden name and is a professional horse trainer. PJ works for Brock (something or other, industrial painting at Valero Refinery). They live and worship in Alice, TX. Many of you met Robbie when she gave the kids "rides" on our red horse Henry at Chase's last birthday party at the ranch. Robbie's mom, Kene, was also at the party. Maybe she will be our next sister in Christ.
Robbie Canales baptized September 23, 2010 in the Wood River swimming pool
PJ Gonzales baptized October 25, 2010 at Parkway C of C
Thursday, November 11, 2010
A Unique Death
Mark 15:37-39
“And Jesus uttered a loud voice and gave up the ghost… and when the centurion who stood by over against him, saw that he so gave up the ghost he said, truly this man was the Son of God”.
This Roman centurion was no stranger to death or to how people behaved in their last moments on the cross of crucifixion. And yet Jesus “uttered with a loud voice” and died in such a manner that the Roman centurion was convinced that Jesus was the Son of God… it must have been something truly spectacular.
Although I am no expert on how people die I am familiar with the death process. I am convinced that when people were crucified that at the moments just preceding death they were in an extreme weakened condition and probably would have a difficult time even “uttering” a whisper much less having the ability to “utter with a loud voice”.
So, that had to be extremely unusual and perhaps without precedent, to the Roman centurion.
Luke’s account (Luke 23:46) states that Jesus, “crying with a loud voice, said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said this, he gave up the ghost”.
Imagine a man at the point of death, first of all knowing that he was about to die, and secondly announcing it with a loud voice to those witnessing the event. How do you predict that you are about to die so that you can make such an announcement? How do you do it with strength when you have no strength?
The Roman centurion expected Jesus just to fade away into the arms of death. Instead he witnessed Jesus announcing his impending death with a loud, confident and strong voice and immediately expiring.
This Roman centurion who was an expert in death by crucifixion and everything that accompanied it saw something so unique that he concluded Jesus was the Son of God… what else could he conclude? I hope it changed his life forever.
“And Jesus uttered a loud voice and gave up the ghost… and when the centurion who stood by over against him, saw that he so gave up the ghost he said, truly this man was the Son of God”.
This Roman centurion was no stranger to death or to how people behaved in their last moments on the cross of crucifixion. And yet Jesus “uttered with a loud voice” and died in such a manner that the Roman centurion was convinced that Jesus was the Son of God… it must have been something truly spectacular.
Although I am no expert on how people die I am familiar with the death process. I am convinced that when people were crucified that at the moments just preceding death they were in an extreme weakened condition and probably would have a difficult time even “uttering” a whisper much less having the ability to “utter with a loud voice”.
So, that had to be extremely unusual and perhaps without precedent, to the Roman centurion.
Luke’s account (Luke 23:46) states that Jesus, “crying with a loud voice, said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said this, he gave up the ghost”.
Imagine a man at the point of death, first of all knowing that he was about to die, and secondly announcing it with a loud voice to those witnessing the event. How do you predict that you are about to die so that you can make such an announcement? How do you do it with strength when you have no strength?
The Roman centurion expected Jesus just to fade away into the arms of death. Instead he witnessed Jesus announcing his impending death with a loud, confident and strong voice and immediately expiring.
This Roman centurion who was an expert in death by crucifixion and everything that accompanied it saw something so unique that he concluded Jesus was the Son of God… what else could he conclude? I hope it changed his life forever.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Prayer Meeting
About eight of us met in a classroom this evening after services to pray for members who have special needs.
Remember, the Elders are available after services to pray with small groups or one on one if desired.
Remember, the Elders are available after services to pray with small groups or one on one if desired.
International Students
We had seven in attendance this morning and four tonight including Meng's room mate, Brandon, a student from Indonesia.
One of the members has been donating brand new New American Standard Bibles to the students. During the sermon this morning Jeff would announce the passage for most of us but he could also announce the page number for the international kids.
Thank you annonymous donor!
One of the members has been donating brand new New American Standard Bibles to the students. During the sermon this morning Jeff would announce the passage for most of us but he could also announce the page number for the international kids.
Thank you annonymous donor!
Sick List Update
Ruth Lara's brother, Rosendo Robledo, still having cardiac issues.
Maggie's mother, Serafina Cruz, has last stage Alzheimers.
Maggie's cousin, Leticia Cruz, has been diagnosed with liver cancer.
Donna Morgan's mother continues with CHF.
Donna's sister-in-law, Lyda Walker, has Lupus.
Maggie's mother, Serafina Cruz, has last stage Alzheimers.
Maggie's cousin, Leticia Cruz, has been diagnosed with liver cancer.
Donna Morgan's mother continues with CHF.
Donna's sister-in-law, Lyda Walker, has Lupus.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Jana Carr's Step Father Passes
Jana posted this on Facebook
Thank you to everyone for your prayers and kind messages. It means a lot. I am traveling to CA for a few days (11/12 - 11/16) for the memorial service. I'm taking the baby with me, but will need some of my Corpus Christi sisters to help Jeff with the kids during that time so that he can still work like he needs to. ... If you think you can help out, please let me know.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers and kind messages. It means a lot. I am traveling to CA for a few days (11/12 - 11/16) for the memorial service. I'm taking the baby with me, but will need some of my Corpus Christi sisters to help Jeff with the kids during that time so that he can still work like he needs to. ... If you think you can help out, please let me know.
Mark 15:33-39.
This section records the last thing Jesus ever said and the manner of his death. Jesus died at 3 pm in the afternoon hanging on a cross. God had blotted out the sun starting at noon and lasting until 3 pm. Then, fully illuminated by the sun, Jesus uttered the last words he would ever speak prior to his death… ”My God, my God, why have you forsaken me”.
Moments later, as if in response, God no longer “forsakes” Jesus but allows him to die so he could be restored to his position in heaven with the Father. I’m sure Jesus was sick of being in a bruised and torn body and was ready for sweet death to come to his physical nature so that he could be in heaven not only with God the Father but with countless angels and Moses and Elijah and Abraham and all the saved ones.
Jesus knew the glories awaiting him in heaven. I hope one day we will too.
Moments later, as if in response, God no longer “forsakes” Jesus but allows him to die so he could be restored to his position in heaven with the Father. I’m sure Jesus was sick of being in a bruised and torn body and was ready for sweet death to come to his physical nature so that he could be in heaven not only with God the Father but with countless angels and Moses and Elijah and Abraham and all the saved ones.
Jesus knew the glories awaiting him in heaven. I hope one day we will too.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
International Student Class
Jeff started a class for the International Students this morning they started in Genesis 1. Julian is taking over the High School class.
We had six students this morning including one new young man from Vietnam. Sunday night we had two new Vietnamese girls at services.
Ken and Sandy Case picked up all the students (6) from the university this morning and took them all to lunch. They had to drive two cars to services this morning.
We had six students this morning including one new young man from Vietnam. Sunday night we had two new Vietnamese girls at services.
Ken and Sandy Case picked up all the students (6) from the university this morning and took them all to lunch. They had to drive two cars to services this morning.
Perkins' Expecting
No not Julie... it's Walker and Jo Len, but Julie and I get to be grand parents. Hooray!
Some have said, now maybe we can get some upgrades to the "cry room". Hey! I cry foul, but OK we'll put in there whatever you want... maybe even a pony.
Some have said, now maybe we can get some upgrades to the "cry room". Hey! I cry foul, but OK we'll put in there whatever you want... maybe even a pony
Pat Farish Update
Pat has been on our prayer list for awhile and I got this update from Dot Miller...
"Had his hip removed July 22, put back in Sept. 28, treating the infection during this time. He can sit up but no weight on leg for 2 months. In good spirits."
(972)576-8222 (home)
(972) 217-9626 (cell)
Dot says Pat would love to hear from his old friends.
"Had his hip removed July 22, put back in Sept. 28, treating the infection during this time. He can sit up but no weight on leg for 2 months. In good spirits."
(972)576-8222 (home)
(972) 217-9626 (cell)
Dot says Pat would love to hear from his old friends.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
International Students
We had six international students at services on Sunday. Jeff tells me to expect seven this Sunday. Initially Jeff was picking them up on campus but when the numbers started increasing he had to get Ken and Sandy to help in the transportation. This effort is growing and we're going to need more help.
Whenever these students come I try to take them out to eat and show them hospitality.
In New Testament times the Gospel was more effective when coupled with other things. For instance; preaching accompanied by miracles or preaching coupled with Christian fellowship (Acts 2, being in each others homes, selling things to help each other).
It's no different today, teaching God's Word coupled with personal sacrifice... hospitality etc.
One of the reasons Jeff and others are so effective in this ministry is because they help these students with their needs during the week.
Be a part of that, we need you.
Whenever these students come I try to take them out to eat and show them hospitality.
In New Testament times the Gospel was more effective when coupled with other things. For instance; preaching accompanied by miracles or preaching coupled with Christian fellowship (Acts 2, being in each others homes, selling things to help each other).
It's no different today, teaching God's Word coupled with personal sacrifice... hospitality etc.
One of the reasons Jeff and others are so effective in this ministry is because they help these students with their needs during the week.
Be a part of that, we need you.
Nehemiah: Prayer, Planning and Preparation
Nehemiah wanted to rebuild the wall surrounding Jerusalem. Here are the problems he faced and overcame.
- He didn’t have the resources or the political backing he needed.
- He had non-Jewish enemies who were powerful and ridiculed him and plotted against him.
- He relied upon a volunteer labor force that was discouraged and poor and oppressed.
- He had Jewish enemies who fed information to his non-Jewish enemies and who conspired with them to bring him down.
Nehemiah was able to get the walls rebuilt in 52 days in spite of the great odds against him. He didn’t just pray about it but also planned and prepared. Let’s use that same formula to convert the world.
- He didn’t have the resources or the political backing he needed.
- He had non-Jewish enemies who were powerful and ridiculed him and plotted against him.
- He relied upon a volunteer labor force that was discouraged and poor and oppressed.
- He had Jewish enemies who fed information to his non-Jewish enemies and who conspired with them to bring him down.
Nehemiah was able to get the walls rebuilt in 52 days in spite of the great odds against him. He didn’t just pray about it but also planned and prepared. Let’s use that same formula to convert the world.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thank You Notes
About 25 years ago one of our neighbor’s health was declining rapidly. On one of my visits to her she asked me if I would do her funeral. I was a little nervous about that because I had never done a funeral before, but I could see that it meant a lot to her and agreed to do it.
After the funeral I received a note from someone who had been in attendance. It was written by Ed Harte who among other things was the publisher for the Corpus Christi Caller –Times… a complete stranger to me. He had several nice things to say. I still have that card as well as other cards (birthday, anniversary, etc.) that have been meaningful to me. Sometimes the messages are hand written and other times the messages have been carefully selected to reflect that person’s feelings.
Recently several of you in the congregation helped Darlene Mesa with some household furniture. Darlene sent out some really well written thank you notes. Among the comments I received were how much those notes were appreciated along with some “pet peeves” about thank you notes, notably that sometimes people don’t send thank you notes and that when they do there is not much thought put into them. Darlene exceeded expectations.
We should always be thankful when people do things for us because when we are not people get discouraged and quit trying and then we have a congregation of people who seem to have little care for each other.
A thank you note is so much better than a simple verbal thank you because it demonstrates a higher level of effort.
Who knows what happens to those thank you notes? It may be that like with me they are kept and treasured and reread occasionally.
After the funeral I received a note from someone who had been in attendance. It was written by Ed Harte who among other things was the publisher for the Corpus Christi Caller –Times… a complete stranger to me. He had several nice things to say. I still have that card as well as other cards (birthday, anniversary, etc.) that have been meaningful to me. Sometimes the messages are hand written and other times the messages have been carefully selected to reflect that person’s feelings.
Recently several of you in the congregation helped Darlene Mesa with some household furniture. Darlene sent out some really well written thank you notes. Among the comments I received were how much those notes were appreciated along with some “pet peeves” about thank you notes, notably that sometimes people don’t send thank you notes and that when they do there is not much thought put into them. Darlene exceeded expectations.
We should always be thankful when people do things for us because when we are not people get discouraged and quit trying and then we have a congregation of people who seem to have little care for each other.
A thank you note is so much better than a simple verbal thank you because it demonstrates a higher level of effort.
Who knows what happens to those thank you notes? It may be that like with me they are kept and treasured and reread occasionally.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Important Dates
Saturday, November 20, 2010. Annual Cargile Hayride in La Garto, Texas.
Sunday, November 21, 2010. Group photo Sunday morning after services in the courtyard for all the members.
Saturday, December 4, 2010 9:30 am - 1130 am. Ladies annual ornament exchange
Sunday, November 21, 2010. Group photo Sunday morning after services in the courtyard for all the members.
Saturday, December 4, 2010 9:30 am - 1130 am. Ladies annual ornament exchange
A Few Notes
From Wayne Davis...
"My uncle, Curtiss Neal Washington, was stabbed and his truck was stolen and crashed into a building. He is in ICU. He is a member of South union Church of Christ in Houston, Texas. All of this happened on Thursday night."
Judy Shelton sent me this about our former member, Jerry Pate...
Jerry Pate began radiation treatments for a cancerous tumor on his lung this past Monday.
Oliver Murray passes...
It is with sadness and joy I report the passing of Eugene Oliver Murray early this afternoon. Brenda and Roberta were with him as he departed this life, to begin the life he so desired. While we have missed the authentic "Oliver" for some time, due to his diminished mental capacity, and the quality of life had escaped him, it is still hard to let go of such a wonderful man. Yet, I don't recall in my years, one who so energetically desired to reside in heaven. So there is joy in this news. I wonder who's pitching silver dollars with Oliver right now.
Kurt Martin
"My uncle, Curtiss Neal Washington, was stabbed and his truck was stolen and crashed into a building. He is in ICU. He is a member of South union Church of Christ in Houston, Texas. All of this happened on Thursday night."
Judy Shelton sent me this about our former member, Jerry Pate...
Jerry Pate began radiation treatments for a cancerous tumor on his lung this past Monday.
Oliver Murray passes...
It is with sadness and joy I report the passing of Eugene Oliver Murray early this afternoon. Brenda and Roberta were with him as he departed this life, to begin the life he so desired. While we have missed the authentic "Oliver" for some time, due to his diminished mental capacity, and the quality of life had escaped him, it is still hard to let go of such a wonderful man. Yet, I don't recall in my years, one who so energetically desired to reside in heaven. So there is joy in this news. I wonder who's pitching silver dollars with Oliver right now.
Kurt Martin
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Parable of the Fat Guy
There was this fat guy who realized that he had become really obese, so he determined to join a gym and get in better shape. The next morning he got up and ate a cookie and went to work and forgot all about losing weight. Later in life he developed type 2 diabetes, had to have one leg amputated and went blind from retinal microangiopathy.
There was another fat guy, he determined to join a gym and get in better shape and the next morning scheduled an appointment, joined the gym and went through his first workout. He got all out of breath and felt embarrassed at the way he looked and got really sore the next day and never went back. He too developed type 2 diabetes with all its complications.
There was a third fat guy. He joined the gym and started getting in better shape but didn’t do it consistently and although he got in better shape eventually he developed cardiovascular disease and lived the rest of his days in poor health.
There was a fourth fat guy. He joined the gym and consistently worked the program. While there he made friends with more experienced members who gave him advice not only about exercise but also about nutrition. These friends were very encouraging and he felt good about his new improved health and his new friendships. One day he saw some fat guys coming into the gym and he determined to help them just like others had helped him. He led a long, healthy and fulfilling life.
The meaning of the parable is this. The fat guy is a guy whose life is filled with sin. The gym is the church where God’s word is taught and where Christians help each other to grow.
The first fat guy determined to visit a church to get better but never did.
The second fat guy visited a church but didn’t feel comfortable there so he never went back.
The third fat guy joined a church but never really got involved… he was just there every once in awhile. He learned some of God’s Word but never really eliminated sin in his life and never got involved in helping others.
The fourth fat guy joined a church, loved the teachings from God’s Word and allowed it to change his life. God gave him many blessings and he inherited a home in heaven for eternity.
There was another fat guy, he determined to join a gym and get in better shape and the next morning scheduled an appointment, joined the gym and went through his first workout. He got all out of breath and felt embarrassed at the way he looked and got really sore the next day and never went back. He too developed type 2 diabetes with all its complications.
There was a third fat guy. He joined the gym and started getting in better shape but didn’t do it consistently and although he got in better shape eventually he developed cardiovascular disease and lived the rest of his days in poor health.
There was a fourth fat guy. He joined the gym and consistently worked the program. While there he made friends with more experienced members who gave him advice not only about exercise but also about nutrition. These friends were very encouraging and he felt good about his new improved health and his new friendships. One day he saw some fat guys coming into the gym and he determined to help them just like others had helped him. He led a long, healthy and fulfilling life.
The meaning of the parable is this. The fat guy is a guy whose life is filled with sin. The gym is the church where God’s word is taught and where Christians help each other to grow.
The first fat guy determined to visit a church to get better but never did.
The second fat guy visited a church but didn’t feel comfortable there so he never went back.
The third fat guy joined a church but never really got involved… he was just there every once in awhile. He learned some of God’s Word but never really eliminated sin in his life and never got involved in helping others.
The fourth fat guy joined a church, loved the teachings from God’s Word and allowed it to change his life. God gave him many blessings and he inherited a home in heaven for eternity.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Esteban, Kevin, Hien and Ming
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Leadership: Knowing Your Enemies
The rich Jews had oppressed Nehemiah’s poor Jewish workers by charging them interest on loans and selling their children as slaves to foreign nations. When Nehemiah assembled the people and charged the rich Jews with their sin this was their response…
"We will give it back, they said. And we will not demand anything more from them. We will do as you say."
Okay… so far so good, the only thing was that Nehemiah didn’t take them at their word so he called in the priests and made the rich Jews swear an oath that they would do exactly what they said they would do…
“Then I summoned the priests and made the nobles and officials take an oath to do what they had promised.”
Nehemiah must have really distrusted them because their oath was not enough… he issued a curse against them if they went against their word…
“I also shook out the folds of my robe and said, "In this way may God shake out of his house and possessions every man who does not keep this promise. So may such a man be shaken out and emptied!"
Like Nehemiah, today’s leaders need to “know their enemies” many times we can take people exactly at their word but frequently people need to be watched to make sure they do exactly what they say they are going to do.
Someone told me once that the best Veterinary diagnosticians have an acute sense of paranoia. Leaders need to be a little paranoid too.
"We will give it back, they said. And we will not demand anything more from them. We will do as you say."
Okay… so far so good, the only thing was that Nehemiah didn’t take them at their word so he called in the priests and made the rich Jews swear an oath that they would do exactly what they said they would do…
“Then I summoned the priests and made the nobles and officials take an oath to do what they had promised.”
Nehemiah must have really distrusted them because their oath was not enough… he issued a curse against them if they went against their word…
“I also shook out the folds of my robe and said, "In this way may God shake out of his house and possessions every man who does not keep this promise. So may such a man be shaken out and emptied!"
Like Nehemiah, today’s leaders need to “know their enemies” many times we can take people exactly at their word but frequently people need to be watched to make sure they do exactly what they say they are going to do.
Someone told me once that the best Veterinary diagnosticians have an acute sense of paranoia. Leaders need to be a little paranoid too.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Soccer Team
Men’s Retreat
Jeff Carr and I have been working on having a “Men’s Retreat” at Camp Zephyr (Lake Corpus Christi).
This would be a Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon affair. We would arrive on Friday afternoon, spend the night and have a mixture of spiritual (prayer, study, etc.) and physical (sports) activities.
The cost would be $25 per person for dormitory style housing and meals would be extra.
I need some feedback. First of all is there any interest in this kind of activity and secondly, what time of year would you like to do this?
Check out Camp Zephyr’s website
This would be a Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon affair. We would arrive on Friday afternoon, spend the night and have a mixture of spiritual (prayer, study, etc.) and physical (sports) activities.
The cost would be $25 per person for dormitory style housing and meals would be extra.
I need some feedback. First of all is there any interest in this kind of activity and secondly, what time of year would you like to do this?
Check out Camp Zephyr’s website
Mark Your Calenders
Saturday, November 20, 2010. Annual Cargile Hayride in La Garto, Texas.
Sunday, November 21, 2010. Group photo Sunday morning after services in the courtyard for all the members.
Saturday, December 4, 2010 9:30 am - 1130 am. Ladies annual ornament exchange
Sunday, November 21, 2010. Group photo Sunday morning after services in the courtyard for all the members.
Saturday, December 4, 2010 9:30 am - 1130 am. Ladies annual ornament exchange
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Know Your New Parkway Members

My name is Esteban Jauregui Perez, I am from Santa Cruz, Bolivia. I was born on February 21st 1986. My parents are Esteban Jauregui Navajas y Edith Perez de Jauregui. My dad is a gynecologist and he owns a clinic, which my mom manages. I have one brother and one sister. My sister is 22 years old and is already coursing her 5th year of med school, after graduating she plans to become a plastic surgeon. My brother is 18, just started law school, and plans to study international law and idioms when he graduates. The fifth member of my family is my dog, an american huskee named Balto, we got him 6 years ago and he is kind of my father's grandson. I am very happy to say that we are a very close and united family always ready to help and support each other.
I like to hang out with my friends, I love a good conversation, an interesting debate or reading a book with a good story and a touch of science fiction. On my free time I also like to play computer games that involve strategy and role-play.
I like to always give my best at whatever I do. Back home I got an Industrial Engineering degree. Then I found out about the ESLI scholarship so I came to TAMUCC to get a Masters in Business Administration. I plan to graduate and get a job in the U.S for a while, to get to know how American industrial companies work, because I would like to establish my own Industrial Consulting company based on American standards back in my country.
Right now this MBA program is kind of overwhelming for me, the language is sort of a barrier sometimes so I have to study twice as hard, but I love it here, I am learning new things and understanding concepts that were unknown to me before.
Well, like I said before, I am glad to be here, I have met amazing people that have transformed this journey into a beautiful experience, and for this, I thank all of you.
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The Sacrifice of Leadership
Nehemiah had a problem with his workers. They were suffering because a famine had caused a food shortage. Additionally, they had mortgaged their properties to wealthier Jews, who were charging them interest, and they had sold some of their own children into servitude just so they could pay the King’s taxes. Selling children was an accepted practice among Jews, however, every seven years all the servants were set free.
Knowing this, the wealthier Jews were buying up Jewish servants and selling them to the “nations”… gentile nations. Thus, they could get a better price because they would not have to be returned at the arrival of the sabbatical year (a seventh year cycle).
So the workers had a great burden, the burden of taking time off to build the wall and facing the danger of attack from foreigners and the burden that their own countrymen were placing on them.
Nehemiah had a big problem… his workers were dejected and impoverished.
How did he address this? First, he called a big meeting and publicly accused the wealthy Jews of the sins of usury (charging interest) and selling Jewish slaves to Gentile nations.
Then, he used himself as a positive example; he had been loaning money with no interest to the impoverished Jews and he was purchasing back Jewish slaves who had been sold to Gentile nations.
In addition, to further illustrate his concern for the Jews, in his position as a Governor, he did not take the food allowance that King Artaxerxes had authorized, which amounted to one ox, six sheep and whatever poultry he might need every day.
Nehemiah had made huge sacrifices for the people. Ultimately he resolved the issues of the impoverished Jews and he corrected the sinful behavior of the wealthy Jews. His reward was that he had happier more productive workers and God was happy with a nation that was made more righteous through effective leadership.
Leadership sacrifices itself not its people.
I read an article the other day that the most profitable Veterinary clinics also had the highest payrolls. The article said that happy workers are more productive workers. We’re about to find out at Tejas.
Knowing this, the wealthier Jews were buying up Jewish servants and selling them to the “nations”… gentile nations. Thus, they could get a better price because they would not have to be returned at the arrival of the sabbatical year (a seventh year cycle).
So the workers had a great burden, the burden of taking time off to build the wall and facing the danger of attack from foreigners and the burden that their own countrymen were placing on them.
Nehemiah had a big problem… his workers were dejected and impoverished.
How did he address this? First, he called a big meeting and publicly accused the wealthy Jews of the sins of usury (charging interest) and selling Jewish slaves to Gentile nations.
Then, he used himself as a positive example; he had been loaning money with no interest to the impoverished Jews and he was purchasing back Jewish slaves who had been sold to Gentile nations.
In addition, to further illustrate his concern for the Jews, in his position as a Governor, he did not take the food allowance that King Artaxerxes had authorized, which amounted to one ox, six sheep and whatever poultry he might need every day.
Nehemiah had made huge sacrifices for the people. Ultimately he resolved the issues of the impoverished Jews and he corrected the sinful behavior of the wealthy Jews. His reward was that he had happier more productive workers and God was happy with a nation that was made more righteous through effective leadership.
Leadership sacrifices itself not its people.
I read an article the other day that the most profitable Veterinary clinics also had the highest payrolls. The article said that happy workers are more productive workers. We’re about to find out at Tejas.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
How to Help with the International Students
1. Make cookies for the meetings.
2. Have students into your homes on Friday nights.
3. Take students to lunch.
4. Give rides to services.
5. Pray.
2. Have students into your homes on Friday nights.
3. Take students to lunch.
4. Give rides to services.
5. Pray.
Members in Action
Here are a few things members are doing behind the scenes…
A member bought Oscar and Steven Bibles (written in English) so they could participate in class better.
I sent out an e-mail about Darlene Mesa moving and needing a few things. One member donated a couch and another donated a bed and a chest of drawers.
A family took three international students (Steven, Hilary and Ming) to lunch today.
And I probably know only a tenth of what everyone is doing… maybe less.
A member bought Oscar and Steven Bibles (written in English) so they could participate in class better.
I sent out an e-mail about Darlene Mesa moving and needing a few things. One member donated a couch and another donated a bed and a chest of drawers.
A family took three international students (Steven, Hilary and Ming) to lunch today.
And I probably know only a tenth of what everyone is doing… maybe less.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
More Leadership from Nehemiah
Nehemiah 2:12-13.
“And I arose in the night, I and a few men with me, I did not tell any one what my God was putting into my mind to do for Jerusalem and there was no animal with me except the animal on which I was riding.
So I went out by night… inspecting the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down and its gates which were consumed with fire.”
Nehemiah took on the job of rebuilding the walls surrounding Jerusalem based on some intel he had received when he was in King Artaxerxes court. Shortly after he arrives in Jerusalem he makes a personal inspection of the wall at night… in secrecy. Nehemiah, as a great leader, recognizes that you can’t just rely on reports… you have to have on-the-ground information.
Too often leaders are inundated with information which is out of context, overstated, understated or just completely wrong. It is imperative that leaders carefully assess the problem and make sure to hear all the sides of the story before acting. Other wise we can make decisions based on faulty information that cause more harm than good.
In addition, Nehemiah gathered his intel in secrecy. Nehemiah had enemies… enemies from the outside and enemies from the inside. Sometimes it’s best not to reveal a plan of action until you have all your ducks lined up. Think about the number of times an idea has died in infancy because someone said… “that’s a stupid idea” or “that will never work”. Focus your energies in the planning and let the idea mature before you trot it out for public inspection. Leaders formulate solid plans based on solid information and then deal with obstacles as they arise.
“And I arose in the night, I and a few men with me, I did not tell any one what my God was putting into my mind to do for Jerusalem and there was no animal with me except the animal on which I was riding.
So I went out by night… inspecting the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down and its gates which were consumed with fire.”
Nehemiah took on the job of rebuilding the walls surrounding Jerusalem based on some intel he had received when he was in King Artaxerxes court. Shortly after he arrives in Jerusalem he makes a personal inspection of the wall at night… in secrecy. Nehemiah, as a great leader, recognizes that you can’t just rely on reports… you have to have on-the-ground information.
Too often leaders are inundated with information which is out of context, overstated, understated or just completely wrong. It is imperative that leaders carefully assess the problem and make sure to hear all the sides of the story before acting. Other wise we can make decisions based on faulty information that cause more harm than good.
In addition, Nehemiah gathered his intel in secrecy. Nehemiah had enemies… enemies from the outside and enemies from the inside. Sometimes it’s best not to reveal a plan of action until you have all your ducks lined up. Think about the number of times an idea has died in infancy because someone said… “that’s a stupid idea” or “that will never work”. Focus your energies in the planning and let the idea mature before you trot it out for public inspection. Leaders formulate solid plans based on solid information and then deal with obstacles as they arise.
Church News
Dot Miller is home from the hospital.
Laura Yzaguirre had a visit to the hospital and is doing much better now.
Laura Yzaguirre had a visit to the hospital and is doing much better now.
Many of you know that I'm in the Big Brother Program and many of you have met my "little brother" Brandon. Sunday was a big day for Brandon... his mom, brother and sister came for services. Julie and I were sitting in front of them and Brandon was "amening" after every prayer and explaining the Lord's Supper to them. We heard him say, "this cracker represents Jesus' body and this grape juice represents his blood". He was very excited and maybe a little loud but I didn't have the heart to "shush" him.
It was a big day for me too.
It was a big day for me too.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Flood
It was raining cats and dogs during services this morning. Several people had difficult times getting home. Some were stranded at various places and a few had to abandon their cars and walk home. Polly Miller made it to her street but blew two tires somehow and had to wade through high water to her home (Imagine). A neighbor saw her and helped her. Others were just on the roads for a long time, finally getting home by circuitous routes. We were in our Prius with three international students (Oscar, Stephen and Hilary) going to lunch. We made it through high waters at SPID and Kostoryz and then decided to head straight home. We hit more high water at the underpass where Leopard crosses NPID but made it home safely. Gus called and volunteered to take them back in his 4X4 later in the afternoon.
I think everyone is safe and sound. Thank you Lord.
I think everyone is safe and sound. Thank you Lord.
Conversation Groups with the International Students
Our Conversation Groups are doing well and seem to be building. Jeff met with five students from Thailand this past Friday. We have had two students, one from Columbia and one from Bolivia, in regular attendance at Parkway and this morning we had a young lady from Viet Nam.
Many people (4-5) have been involved in this but the point man has been Jeff Carr. Jeff makes all the meetings, sets the study, has students into his home and takes students during the week to various stores to help them out with their needs. Commendations are due to Jeff.
Jeff told me that he is always discussing the Lord with everyone he meets but no one seems to care like these international students.
This is a great work for us. It’s like doing missionary work at home. Get to know these students and get involved. I promise you, it will be rewarding.
Many people (4-5) have been involved in this but the point man has been Jeff Carr. Jeff makes all the meetings, sets the study, has students into his home and takes students during the week to various stores to help them out with their needs. Commendations are due to Jeff.
Jeff told me that he is always discussing the Lord with everyone he meets but no one seems to care like these international students.
This is a great work for us. It’s like doing missionary work at home. Get to know these students and get involved. I promise you, it will be rewarding.
New International Student
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Church News
Dot Miller was scheduled for knee replacement but that has been postponed because she has had some falling issues and broke a shoulder. This is from Gay…
From Ruth Lara…
Please keep my brother, Rosendo Robledo in your prayers, he is in ICU in Harlingen for blockage of artery, and is on medication, Lord willing this will clear him up and wont require surgery.
Also, my daughter Melissa Marcell in SanAntonio is going thru some medical tests, please keep her in your prayers, that all will be well soon.
THANK YOU! and God Bless
Jana and Jeff Carr are expecting this week. Jana’s mom is in from California. They are having this baby at home… prayers are in order.
From Ruth Lara…
Please keep my brother, Rosendo Robledo in your prayers, he is in ICU in Harlingen for blockage of artery, and is on medication, Lord willing this will clear him up and wont require surgery.
Also, my daughter Melissa Marcell in SanAntonio is going thru some medical tests, please keep her in your prayers, that all will be well soon.
THANK YOU! and God Bless
Jana and Jeff Carr are expecting this week. Jana’s mom is in from California. They are having this baby at home… prayers are in order.
Leadership from Nehemiah
A long time ago I heard an Elder say about another Elder… “He’s the perfect government inspector; he identifies problems but never does anything to solve them.”
It’s easy to identify a problem or to offer criticism. However, it is far more virtuous and beneficial to not only recognize a problem but to take personal responsibility for the correction of the problem… like Nehemiah.
Consider Nehemiah, he was a Jew with an official position in the court of the Persian Empire which dominated the world at the time. He was the cupbearer for King Artaxerxes II and his queen. That meant he tasted the wine to make sure it wasn’t poisoned. He was with King Artaxerxes every day.
Nehemiah had a great concern for his homeland, a homeland he had never seen. He made inquiry about Jerusalem and learned that the city walls were still broken down and the people were downcast and dejected. It troubled him deeply and he spent four months in prayer about it and prepared himself for the opportunity to do something about it. When that opportunity came with King Artaxerxes, he identified the problem, offered a time frame for its completion, requested letters for travel and materials and got an armed escort.
Whether we have problems in the congregation, the home or the work place don’t make the mistake of being critical without offering well thought out remedies and personal involvement. The world is full of critics.
From Wikipedia…
A cup-bearer was an officer of high rank in royal courts, whose duty it was to serve the drinks at the royal table. On account of the constant fear of plots and intrigues, a person must be regarded as thoroughly trustworthy to hold this position. He must guard against poison in the king's cup, and was sometimes required to swallow some of the wine before serving it. His confidential relations with the king often gave him a position of great influence. The position of cup bearer is greatly valued and given to only a select few throughout history. Qualifications for the job were not held lightly but of high esteem valued for their beauty and even more for their modesty, industriousness and courage.
It’s easy to identify a problem or to offer criticism. However, it is far more virtuous and beneficial to not only recognize a problem but to take personal responsibility for the correction of the problem… like Nehemiah.
Consider Nehemiah, he was a Jew with an official position in the court of the Persian Empire which dominated the world at the time. He was the cupbearer for King Artaxerxes II and his queen. That meant he tasted the wine to make sure it wasn’t poisoned. He was with King Artaxerxes every day.
Nehemiah had a great concern for his homeland, a homeland he had never seen. He made inquiry about Jerusalem and learned that the city walls were still broken down and the people were downcast and dejected. It troubled him deeply and he spent four months in prayer about it and prepared himself for the opportunity to do something about it. When that opportunity came with King Artaxerxes, he identified the problem, offered a time frame for its completion, requested letters for travel and materials and got an armed escort.
Whether we have problems in the congregation, the home or the work place don’t make the mistake of being critical without offering well thought out remedies and personal involvement. The world is full of critics.
From Wikipedia…
A cup-bearer was an officer of high rank in royal courts, whose duty it was to serve the drinks at the royal table. On account of the constant fear of plots and intrigues, a person must be regarded as thoroughly trustworthy to hold this position. He must guard against poison in the king's cup, and was sometimes required to swallow some of the wine before serving it. His confidential relations with the king often gave him a position of great influence. The position of cup bearer is greatly valued and given to only a select few throughout history. Qualifications for the job were not held lightly but of high esteem valued for their beauty and even more for their modesty, industriousness and courage.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Church News
Hope Mosely is recuperating from hip replacement surgery.
Dot Miller had cataract surgery.
Landon Nuckles had tubes put in his ear drums.
Amy Torno's dad, Gene Mabry, who is awaiting liver transplant is having some health issues. Please pray for him and Mrs. Mabry.
Julie and I are going to be in San Diego, Calif. this week-end visiting relatives.
Dot Miller had cataract surgery.
Landon Nuckles had tubes put in his ear drums.
Amy Torno's dad, Gene Mabry, who is awaiting liver transplant is having some health issues. Please pray for him and Mrs. Mabry.
Julie and I are going to be in San Diego, Calif. this week-end visiting relatives.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Moses and the Promised Land
I was reading Moses prayer (Deut.3:24-28) to God that he be allowed to enter the Promised Land and this statement caught my eye…
"But the LORD was angry with me on your account, and would not listen to me."
Moses attributed God’s refusal to accept his request not to himself and his actions but to the Israelites and their actions.
Hmmm… pretty curious, after all it was Moses that struck the rock at Kadesh Barnea instead of speaking to it as God had instructed.
The answer lies in Deut. 1:34-37.
"Then the LORD heard the sound of your words, and He was angry and took an oath, saying, not one of these men, this evil generation, shall see the good land which I swore to give your fathers, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh; he shall see it, and to him and to his sons I will give the land on which he has set foot, because he has followed the LORD fully.'
The LORD was angry with me also on your account, saying, Not even you shall enter there".
Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land because of the bad report of the 12 spies and Israel’s acceptance of it. He was lumped together with them and would have to die in the wilderness with that “evil generation”.
So God’s anger that began with this incident continued 40 years later and still burned when Moses requested to be able to physically enter the Promised Land. Moses correctly attributes God’s anger to them… not him.
He was the last of that generation to die. When we last see him, just prior to his death, he is on mount Nebo viewing the Promised land.
When we next see him he is standing on another mountain in the Promised Land where Jesus was transfigured.
Moses received punishment on earth but his eternal destiny with God was secured. I’ve got a feeling that when his spirit left Mount Nebo and was received by God that he was not in the least bit disappointed at not having stepped foot on the Promised Land.
"But the LORD was angry with me on your account, and would not listen to me."
Moses attributed God’s refusal to accept his request not to himself and his actions but to the Israelites and their actions.
Hmmm… pretty curious, after all it was Moses that struck the rock at Kadesh Barnea instead of speaking to it as God had instructed.
The answer lies in Deut. 1:34-37.
"Then the LORD heard the sound of your words, and He was angry and took an oath, saying, not one of these men, this evil generation, shall see the good land which I swore to give your fathers, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh; he shall see it, and to him and to his sons I will give the land on which he has set foot, because he has followed the LORD fully.'
The LORD was angry with me also on your account, saying, Not even you shall enter there".
Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land because of the bad report of the 12 spies and Israel’s acceptance of it. He was lumped together with them and would have to die in the wilderness with that “evil generation”.
So God’s anger that began with this incident continued 40 years later and still burned when Moses requested to be able to physically enter the Promised Land. Moses correctly attributes God’s anger to them… not him.
He was the last of that generation to die. When we last see him, just prior to his death, he is on mount Nebo viewing the Promised land.
When we next see him he is standing on another mountain in the Promised Land where Jesus was transfigured.
Moses received punishment on earth but his eternal destiny with God was secured. I’ve got a feeling that when his spirit left Mount Nebo and was received by God that he was not in the least bit disappointed at not having stepped foot on the Promised Land.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
This is from Jeff Carr (in part)
I just had lunch with Larry Foster, son of our birthday boy, 99-yr old Hubert Foster.
Larry asked me to pass on this information. Hubert and Ann enjoy going out to dinner and an occasional movie and would enjoy a ride to something like this. ALSO ... they can pay their own way for these things, they simply need transportation.
Right now they are getting meals on wheels delivered and their son who lives in town makes grocery runs for them on a weekly basis.
I just had lunch with Larry Foster, son of our birthday boy, 99-yr old Hubert Foster.
Larry asked me to pass on this information. Hubert and Ann enjoy going out to dinner and an occasional movie and would enjoy a ride to something like this. ALSO ... they can pay their own way for these things, they simply need transportation.
Right now they are getting meals on wheels delivered and their son who lives in town makes grocery runs for them on a weekly basis.
The Failure of Preaching (Ezra 9&10)
Problem: Violation of Exodus 34 and Numbers 32… marrying foreign women.
Extent: The sons of the High Priest had married foreign women.
Identification: It was brought to the attention of Ezra… not the High Priest.
Assumption: The High Priest had not been preaching on the subject.
Fallout: Because of the failure of preaching and the failure of example the violation had spread throughout Judah.
The Fix: Get rid of the wives and their children… tough fix… tougher than not marrying them in the first place.
Conclusion: The “Failure of Preaching” is not preaching the whole of God’s word. When preaching fails people fail and have to go through the sometimes painful process of getting right with God. Preach to prevent problems.
Extent: The sons of the High Priest had married foreign women.
Identification: It was brought to the attention of Ezra… not the High Priest.
Assumption: The High Priest had not been preaching on the subject.
Fallout: Because of the failure of preaching and the failure of example the violation had spread throughout Judah.
The Fix: Get rid of the wives and their children… tough fix… tougher than not marrying them in the first place.
Conclusion: The “Failure of Preaching” is not preaching the whole of God’s word. When preaching fails people fail and have to go through the sometimes painful process of getting right with God. Preach to prevent problems.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Fall Adult Class Schedule
Sunday Morning
Adult 1: David Smitherman, “Hebrews”
Adult 2: Rob Perkins, “Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther”
Sunday Night
Auditorium only: Jeff Carr. Islam and related topics.
Wednesday Night
Adult 1: Shane Torno, “Evidences”
Adult 2: Joey Vaughan, “Mark’s Gospel”
Adult 1: David Smitherman, “Hebrews”
Adult 2: Rob Perkins, “Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther”
Sunday Night
Auditorium only: Jeff Carr. Islam and related topics.
Wednesday Night
Adult 1: Shane Torno, “Evidences”
Adult 2: Joey Vaughan, “Mark’s Gospel”
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Being a Priest
Ezra 9
In this segment, Ezra and the returned exiles have been in Jerusalem for about eight months. He is informed that the previous exiles (including some of the priests and princes) had married women who they had been forbidden to marry… women from idolatrous nations. The people had been warned way back in Exodus 34 that inter marrying with native peoples would lead the Israelites to commit the sin of idolatry. That’s what got them in trouble in the first place and caused God to decimate their nation and send a small remnant into Babylonian captivity. Now after returning from captivity they are repeating the same mistake all over again.
Ezra is very disturbed by this… he plucks hair off his head and his beard and tears his clothes. People gather around him and he words a prayer to God that contains many interesting elements. One of the most interesting to me is this, “O my God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face to thee, my God, for our iniquities have risen above our heads, and our guilt has grown even to the heavens.”
Even though Ezra is not guilty of this sin and was not even around when it occurred he takes responsibility for it. I’m convinced that he did so because he was a scribe and a priest and it was the responsibility of scribes and priests to teach the people about God and hold them accountable to God’s “statutes and ordinances” (7:10). Ultimately, if the people violated God’s “statutes and ordinances” the scribes were at least partially responsible. So even if Ezra, as a scribe and a priest, had not been around when these marriages were being engaged in, he takes responsibility because he is part of the scribe/priest-hood.
There are similarities with God’s people today. As Christians we are living in a country that that promotes sin. Just like the Israelites living in Canaan surrounded by idolatrous pagan peoples, we could be influenced to sin. In the church we don’t have a sheriff and deputies who police our members. The people have a mutual obligation to “police” each other. We are responsible to each other to help each other grow. Our tools are encouragement (to live better), edification (to build up) and admonishment (to identify sin). We are after all a congregation of priests (Rev. 1:6) and as such have the responsibilities of a priest to each other.
Ezra took personal responsibility for the sins of others. If someone in the congregation is living in sin we too must take personal responsibility for it. After all we are priests just like Ezra.
Ezra 7:10
For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to practice it and to teach his statutes and ordinances to Israel.
In this segment, Ezra and the returned exiles have been in Jerusalem for about eight months. He is informed that the previous exiles (including some of the priests and princes) had married women who they had been forbidden to marry… women from idolatrous nations. The people had been warned way back in Exodus 34 that inter marrying with native peoples would lead the Israelites to commit the sin of idolatry. That’s what got them in trouble in the first place and caused God to decimate their nation and send a small remnant into Babylonian captivity. Now after returning from captivity they are repeating the same mistake all over again.
Ezra is very disturbed by this… he plucks hair off his head and his beard and tears his clothes. People gather around him and he words a prayer to God that contains many interesting elements. One of the most interesting to me is this, “O my God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face to thee, my God, for our iniquities have risen above our heads, and our guilt has grown even to the heavens.”
Even though Ezra is not guilty of this sin and was not even around when it occurred he takes responsibility for it. I’m convinced that he did so because he was a scribe and a priest and it was the responsibility of scribes and priests to teach the people about God and hold them accountable to God’s “statutes and ordinances” (7:10). Ultimately, if the people violated God’s “statutes and ordinances” the scribes were at least partially responsible. So even if Ezra, as a scribe and a priest, had not been around when these marriages were being engaged in, he takes responsibility because he is part of the scribe/priest-hood.
There are similarities with God’s people today. As Christians we are living in a country that that promotes sin. Just like the Israelites living in Canaan surrounded by idolatrous pagan peoples, we could be influenced to sin. In the church we don’t have a sheriff and deputies who police our members. The people have a mutual obligation to “police” each other. We are responsible to each other to help each other grow. Our tools are encouragement (to live better), edification (to build up) and admonishment (to identify sin). We are after all a congregation of priests (Rev. 1:6) and as such have the responsibilities of a priest to each other.
Ezra took personal responsibility for the sins of others. If someone in the congregation is living in sin we too must take personal responsibility for it. After all we are priests just like Ezra.
Ezra 7:10
For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to practice it and to teach his statutes and ordinances to Israel.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Church News
Raul Christie is back from the Virgin Islands.
Joe Shaw and son Joseph were back in attendance today.
Julian Davila has moved back from San Antonio and will be attending school here.
Virginia Lawler was back at services today after being sick.
Kathy's dad, Travis Keese, is awaiting bone marrow test results.
Sharon Cagle has been out of town for several months and has come back early so her mom, Dot Miller, can be evaluated for a knee replacement procedure.
Next Sunday is Megan, Laura, and Nathan's last Sunday to be with us before they go to Texas A&M (College Station). Whoop!
Joe Shaw and son Joseph were back in attendance today.
Julian Davila has moved back from San Antonio and will be attending school here.
Virginia Lawler was back at services today after being sick.
Kathy's dad, Travis Keese, is awaiting bone marrow test results.
Sharon Cagle has been out of town for several months and has come back early so her mom, Dot Miller, can be evaluated for a knee replacement procedure.
Next Sunday is Megan, Laura, and Nathan's last Sunday to be with us before they go to Texas A&M (College Station). Whoop!
Things Lost
Luke 15
There was a problem between Jesus and the Scribes and Pharisees. The Scribes and Pharisees would have nothing to do with sinners… they wouldn’t even eat with them, but Jesus “received sinners and ate with them”.
Jesus uses this issue as a teaching opportunity to correct the thinking of the Scribes and Pharisees. He tells three stories; a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son. These stories build on each other, the lost sheep is one of one hundred, the lost coin is one of ten and the lost son is one of two. There is a progression from mere possessions to our children, our own physical heritage.
The owners of the lost sheep and the lost coin searched for them diligently, not so with the father who had lost the son. He knew where the son was and knew what he was doing. It wouldn’t do any good to search for the lost son and bring him back. The son had to come back on his own.
The greatest rejoicing was when the son did come back. Certainly there was rejoicing for the sheep and the coin but for the son there was great rejoicing; the best robe, a ring, shoes, a feast, music and dancing. After all our children are the most precious things we have and are our greatest joy.
Jesus used these stories to illustrate to the Scribes and Pharisees how God feels about sinners. Jesus was looking for that which was “lost” God’s children who were lost in sin. They were precious to him. The “kind” of sin did not matter. The Scribes and the Pharisees should have also been looking for these lost ones but had lost sight of their mission and instead were prejudiced against them... they wouldn't even eat with them.
How about God’s people today? We must be about our Father’s business. Minimally that means rejoicing when someone turns to the Lord, but more importantly being involved in the building up of people so they don’t fall and “searching diligently” for those who are lost. Unfortunately a lot of people who are lost aren't very socially acceptable to us.
We need eyes that see like Jesus sees.
There was a problem between Jesus and the Scribes and Pharisees. The Scribes and Pharisees would have nothing to do with sinners… they wouldn’t even eat with them, but Jesus “received sinners and ate with them”.
Jesus uses this issue as a teaching opportunity to correct the thinking of the Scribes and Pharisees. He tells three stories; a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son. These stories build on each other, the lost sheep is one of one hundred, the lost coin is one of ten and the lost son is one of two. There is a progression from mere possessions to our children, our own physical heritage.
The owners of the lost sheep and the lost coin searched for them diligently, not so with the father who had lost the son. He knew where the son was and knew what he was doing. It wouldn’t do any good to search for the lost son and bring him back. The son had to come back on his own.
The greatest rejoicing was when the son did come back. Certainly there was rejoicing for the sheep and the coin but for the son there was great rejoicing; the best robe, a ring, shoes, a feast, music and dancing. After all our children are the most precious things we have and are our greatest joy.
Jesus used these stories to illustrate to the Scribes and Pharisees how God feels about sinners. Jesus was looking for that which was “lost” God’s children who were lost in sin. They were precious to him. The “kind” of sin did not matter. The Scribes and the Pharisees should have also been looking for these lost ones but had lost sight of their mission and instead were prejudiced against them... they wouldn't even eat with them.
How about God’s people today? We must be about our Father’s business. Minimally that means rejoicing when someone turns to the Lord, but more importantly being involved in the building up of people so they don’t fall and “searching diligently” for those who are lost. Unfortunately a lot of people who are lost aren't very socially acceptable to us.
We need eyes that see like Jesus sees.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A Gored Slave
Zechariah was a prophet in the Old Testament who was inspired by God to encourage the survivors of the Babylonian captivity to complete the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem.
In addition to encouraging them in the construction process he encouraged and warned them by revealing some things about the future… the coming of the Christ.
He reminded them of how they had rejected him as a Shepherd.
Zechariah 11:9-13,
“I will not pasture you. What is to die let it die… to break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples… and thus the afflicted of the flock who were watching me realized that it was the word of the Lord. And I said to them, if it is good in your sight, give me my wages but if not, never mind! So they weighed out 30 shekels of silver as my wages. The Lord said to me, throw it to the potter that magnificent price at which I was valued by them… “
Judah was the flock, Jehovah was the shepherd (ultimately). They rebelled against him and so he broke his covenant with them. Some of them realized their mistake and when the Shepherd allowed them to put a price on the value of his work they offered him 30 shekels of silver.
Exodus 21:32 says that if an ox gored a slave the owner of the ox was supposed to reimburse the owner of the gored slave 30 shekels of silver. The gored slave’s value was 30 shekels of silver.
That was the value Judah place on the shepherd work of Jehovah. Jehovah sneered with contempt at the value they placed upon him and threw the 30 shekels of silver to the potter.
In the future Jehovah would send them another shepherd… Jesus Christ. He too would be rejected and valued at the same level as a “gored slave”. Those 30 shekels of silver would go to buy the “Potter’s field”
In spite of Zechariah’s prophetic warning some things never change. Jesus Christ was valued at the same value as a gored slave.
Don’t let that happen today.
In addition to encouraging them in the construction process he encouraged and warned them by revealing some things about the future… the coming of the Christ.
He reminded them of how they had rejected him as a Shepherd.
Zechariah 11:9-13,
“I will not pasture you. What is to die let it die… to break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples… and thus the afflicted of the flock who were watching me realized that it was the word of the Lord. And I said to them, if it is good in your sight, give me my wages but if not, never mind! So they weighed out 30 shekels of silver as my wages. The Lord said to me, throw it to the potter that magnificent price at which I was valued by them… “
Judah was the flock, Jehovah was the shepherd (ultimately). They rebelled against him and so he broke his covenant with them. Some of them realized their mistake and when the Shepherd allowed them to put a price on the value of his work they offered him 30 shekels of silver.
Exodus 21:32 says that if an ox gored a slave the owner of the ox was supposed to reimburse the owner of the gored slave 30 shekels of silver. The gored slave’s value was 30 shekels of silver.
That was the value Judah place on the shepherd work of Jehovah. Jehovah sneered with contempt at the value they placed upon him and threw the 30 shekels of silver to the potter.
In the future Jehovah would send them another shepherd… Jesus Christ. He too would be rejected and valued at the same level as a “gored slave”. Those 30 shekels of silver would go to buy the “Potter’s field”
In spite of Zechariah’s prophetic warning some things never change. Jesus Christ was valued at the same value as a gored slave.
Don’t let that happen today.
Church News
We had a very encouraging service tonight (Wednesday). Walker designed the service and it was based on the song “Blest Be the Tie”. We had six different speakers who commented on various verses of the song (Glenn, Joey, Shane, David, Ken and Walker). In addition, we had songs that were relevant to the theme. I was very impressed with what the men had to say… it was very encouraging.
I remember the days at Parkway when we had preachers who preached Sunday morning, Sunday night and gave a short talk and offered an invitation on Wednesday night. How different it is now. In my opinion, the change in format is one factor that has led to the development of our men and the type of thought provoking comments that we heard tonight.
I remember the days at Parkway when we had preachers who preached Sunday morning, Sunday night and gave a short talk and offered an invitation on Wednesday night. How different it is now. In my opinion, the change in format is one factor that has led to the development of our men and the type of thought provoking comments that we heard tonight.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Everyone knows what racial prejudice is but we may not be aware of how old of a problem it is. The scriptures reveal that it was a problem among some very godly people. In Numbers 12:1-15, Moses’ sister Miriam and his brother Aaron did not like Moses’ wife because she was a “Cushite”… of a different race.
Their prejudice cause them to sin, they “spoke against” Moses by questioning his rank as a prophet… they thought they were just as good as he was. Verse 3 states that Moses was, “very humble, more than any man on the face of the earth”. Miriam and Aaron were not humble, they were the opposite, they were jealous and full of pride.
Cushites were African peoples. In fact, the Septuagint version of the Old Testament calls them Ethiopians. The word Ethiopian is a Greek word that literally means “burnt face”.
When God punished Miriam he gave her the disease of Leprosy. The text says she was turned “as white as snow”. It’s ironic that Miriam and Aaron disliked Moses’ wife because she was a “burnt face” and God punished Miriam by turning her into a shade of white that she didn’t want to be.
Prejudice against someone because of their race is a sin of pride. Pride makes us think that we are better than others. Christians are supposed to be humble… counting others as better than ourselves.
Let’s be like Moses… not like Miriam and Aaron.
Their prejudice cause them to sin, they “spoke against” Moses by questioning his rank as a prophet… they thought they were just as good as he was. Verse 3 states that Moses was, “very humble, more than any man on the face of the earth”. Miriam and Aaron were not humble, they were the opposite, they were jealous and full of pride.
Cushites were African peoples. In fact, the Septuagint version of the Old Testament calls them Ethiopians. The word Ethiopian is a Greek word that literally means “burnt face”.
When God punished Miriam he gave her the disease of Leprosy. The text says she was turned “as white as snow”. It’s ironic that Miriam and Aaron disliked Moses’ wife because she was a “burnt face” and God punished Miriam by turning her into a shade of white that she didn’t want to be.
Prejudice against someone because of their race is a sin of pride. Pride makes us think that we are better than others. Christians are supposed to be humble… counting others as better than ourselves.
Let’s be like Moses… not like Miriam and Aaron.
Church News
Travis Keyes, Kathy Meyr's dad, has been sick... please pray.
We had two international students at services Sunday night, one from Columbia and one from Turkey. The one from Columbia understood most of what we studied in class and said he appreciated the interactive format.
We continue to have our conversation groups with the international students on Fridays at 4 pm. Jeff has started taking some of them home with him on Friday evenings so they can get a taste of americana. Last week we had Jeff, David, Sandy, Walker and myself at the meeting but the most regular ones are David and Jeff.
We played softball on Sunday night. We were short on numbers but everyone had a good time including the two international students, Milli and Oscar.
Michelle Christie shared some good news with me. She competed for and won a scholarship that will also benefit her by lowering her tuition rates.
Check out the pics of the two newest babies in the congregation posted below.
We had two international students at services Sunday night, one from Columbia and one from Turkey. The one from Columbia understood most of what we studied in class and said he appreciated the interactive format.
We continue to have our conversation groups with the international students on Fridays at 4 pm. Jeff has started taking some of them home with him on Friday evenings so they can get a taste of americana. Last week we had Jeff, David, Sandy, Walker and myself at the meeting but the most regular ones are David and Jeff.
We played softball on Sunday night. We were short on numbers but everyone had a good time including the two international students, Milli and Oscar.
Michelle Christie shared some good news with me. She competed for and won a scholarship that will also benefit her by lowering her tuition rates.
Check out the pics of the two newest babies in the congregation posted below.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Church News
We were in Lubbock this past weekend for my uncle's (Milton Barbee) funeral.
From Mark and Eunice Espinosa…
Please keep our daughter Giselle in your prayers , she had oral surgery today.
Thank you,
From Tim Rogers, Sinton church of Christ…
Jack McClanahan had a massive heart attack yesterday afternoon. He was out
"running his traps" and felt a tightness in his chest. He pulled into the minor
emergency center to let them check him out. They immediately called for an
ambulance and took him to Spohn Shoreline. They were able to install a stent to
help the situation. By 8:30 last night he was done with the procedure and in
ICU. Donita will be there this morning at 8:30, when it will be the first time
she will be able to see him. Thankfully, Jack had the sense to have it checked
out immediately. If he would have waited, the damage would have been far
worse. Please keep him in your prayers.
From Gay West…
Veda called me and here is her new address
1618 Eckford St. Apt. 107
Water Valley, Mississippi, 38965
her home phone # 662 714 5282
From Doc and Merle…
"Quick trip to Merles relatives / return Friday”
Take care of yourselves & pray for our safe trip.
From Mark and Eunice Espinosa…
Please keep our daughter Giselle in your prayers , she had oral surgery today.
Thank you,
From Tim Rogers, Sinton church of Christ…
Jack McClanahan had a massive heart attack yesterday afternoon. He was out
"running his traps" and felt a tightness in his chest. He pulled into the minor
emergency center to let them check him out. They immediately called for an
ambulance and took him to Spohn Shoreline. They were able to install a stent to
help the situation. By 8:30 last night he was done with the procedure and in
ICU. Donita will be there this morning at 8:30, when it will be the first time
she will be able to see him. Thankfully, Jack had the sense to have it checked
out immediately. If he would have waited, the damage would have been far
worse. Please keep him in your prayers.
From Gay West…
Veda called me and here is her new address
1618 Eckford St. Apt. 107
Water Valley, Mississippi, 38965
her home phone # 662 714 5282
From Doc and Merle…
"Quick trip to Merles relatives / return Friday”
Take care of yourselves & pray for our safe trip.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Barbee Family
My uncle, Melton Barbee, passed away yesterday. Uncle Melby was married to my mom's sister. He had been sick for awhile. Please pray for the family.
A Bum or Not a Bum?
Walker and I were pulling my boat out of the water on Tuesday and a guy that looked like a bum walked up and tried to sell us a few things. He looked like a bum but he had an old car… most bums have no transportation. He needed to sell some things because he needed to buy gas. The trouble was I didn’t really want anything he had so I just handed him a five dollar bill. His response surprised me he said he wasn’t looking for a handout. I said, that’s OK you’re not a bum I just don’t need anything you have and I want to help you. He walked away and came back with a pocket knife and gave it to me and said he couldn’t just take my money.
Lesson learned… just because a guy looks like a bum doesn’t mean he is. Thank you Lord… I needed that lesson.
Lesson learned… just because a guy looks like a bum doesn’t mean he is. Thank you Lord… I needed that lesson.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Church News
Jeff David and Sandy Case were at the conversation group meeting last Friday. Jeff worked up a list of idioms to work with the students. This was from Jeff…
We had a pretty good turnout last night. 7 students in all representing China, Vietnam, Turkey, Columbia, and Indonesia
From Gus...
Pat Lawler called to tell me that his mother is in Drs. Regional hospital, room 371. She was admitted today for irregular heartbeat. They are trying to control her condition with medication and if that fails will, she will have cardioversion procedure done. Virginia expects to be there for 3 or 4 days.
From Glenn Madden...
My grandmother had an above the knee amputation last night, and will need an additional procedure within the next few days to improve the blood circulation in what remains of her leg. She came through the surgery alright physically, but emotionally this is a blow that I think will take her some time to come to grips with.
Linda Torno is still fighting a kidney stone.
I pulled this off of Facebook from Mike Stringer...
Valerie is in need of every person and every church's prayers. She has been diagnosed with stage 1-2 invasive carcinoma in her right breast. One small lump for sure. Possibly 2 more lumps. Doing an MRI Monday to determine if this is contained or if it is in her nodes. She would love to hear from anyone. Find her ...on my friends list and friend her. She needs encouragement!
More softball this Sunday night.
We had a pretty good turnout last night. 7 students in all representing China, Vietnam, Turkey, Columbia, and Indonesia
From Gus...
Pat Lawler called to tell me that his mother is in Drs. Regional hospital, room 371. She was admitted today for irregular heartbeat. They are trying to control her condition with medication and if that fails will, she will have cardioversion procedure done. Virginia expects to be there for 3 or 4 days.
From Glenn Madden...
My grandmother had an above the knee amputation last night, and will need an additional procedure within the next few days to improve the blood circulation in what remains of her leg. She came through the surgery alright physically, but emotionally this is a blow that I think will take her some time to come to grips with.
Linda Torno is still fighting a kidney stone.
I pulled this off of Facebook from Mike Stringer...
Valerie is in need of every person and every church's prayers. She has been diagnosed with stage 1-2 invasive carcinoma in her right breast. One small lump for sure. Possibly 2 more lumps. Doing an MRI Monday to determine if this is contained or if it is in her nodes. She would love to hear from anyone. Find her ...on my friends list and friend her. She needs encouragement!
More softball this Sunday night.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Church News
Softball this Sunday evening after services in the fields next to the building.
Antia and Dave Trevino and children; Caleb, Corey, Sequoyah, Seth and Ayita. The Trevinos have moved here from one of the Carolinas and Dave's mother is one of our former members... Eugenia Trevino.
Talya and John Miatz
7006 Adcote
CC, TX. 78413
The Miatz' have moved here from Minnesota.
From Jeff Carr...
Let's not forget Vacation Bible School which goes this Wed and Thurs (July 7 and 8) starting at 10am and ending at 11:30. "God's Might Prophets" is the theme. Thanks to Karen Turner for organizing this.
All children are invited, including their friends :)
From Judy Shelton...
Rob, please put my brother-in-law, Wayne Wilsher on your prayer list. He has liver cancer and will be admitted to MD Anderson Tuesday, June 28th. Thank you
From Jo Martin concerning former members Kollin and Leslea Stone...
Rob, I thought you and Julie might be interested to know that Leslea and Kollin went over to Jamaica with David Tant to help with some mission work. They are having a vacation bible school over there that Leslea and Kollin will be helping with. Pray for their safety and that their work will be effecftive.
Antia and Dave Trevino and children; Caleb, Corey, Sequoyah, Seth and Ayita. The Trevinos have moved here from one of the Carolinas and Dave's mother is one of our former members... Eugenia Trevino.
Talya and John Miatz
7006 Adcote
CC, TX. 78413
The Miatz' have moved here from Minnesota.
From Jeff Carr...
Let's not forget Vacation Bible School which goes this Wed and Thurs (July 7 and 8) starting at 10am and ending at 11:30. "God's Might Prophets" is the theme. Thanks to Karen Turner for organizing this.
All children are invited, including their friends :)
From Judy Shelton...
Rob, please put my brother-in-law, Wayne Wilsher on your prayer list. He has liver cancer and will be admitted to MD Anderson Tuesday, June 28th. Thank you
From Jo Martin concerning former members Kollin and Leslea Stone...
Rob, I thought you and Julie might be interested to know that Leslea and Kollin went over to Jamaica with David Tant to help with some mission work. They are having a vacation bible school over there that Leslea and Kollin will be helping with. Pray for their safety and that their work will be effecftive.
Entrance, Reward and Recognition
Matthew 5:1-16.
The disciples are being addressed in this segment of the “Sermon on the Mount”. First they are told of various blessings that will be given to people who possess various attributes. The last attribute is persecution. Those people who are persecuted for righteousness sake will receive the blessing of the “kingdom of heaven”.
Then Jesus addresses a blessing that the disciples themselves would receive for being persecuted… a great reward in heaven. Persecuted righteous people generally would receive the kingdom of heaven. Presumably, the persecuted disciples would not only receive the kingdom of heaven but something greater.
They then are exhorted to work openly, in spite of impending persecution, so that all could see their good works and cause God to be glorified. In other words, they were not to hide their works so they could escape persecution.
Jesus tells them that the Law and Prophets would last until “heaven and earth pass away” and until “all things be accomplished”.... even the least significant (jot or one tittle) parts of the law would last. The disciples were responsible to teach the whole law and prophets even the very “least” parts. If they would do this and live accordingly they would be called “great in the kingdom of heaven”.
Finally Jesus tells them that their “righteousness” must be greater than the righteousness of the most righteous people of their society… the Scribes and the Pharisees. In fact if their righteousness was not greater… they couldn’t even gain access to the kingdom of heaven. The rest of the text describes the path to being more righteous than the scribes and Pharisees.
The disciples could enter the kingdom of heaven by being of greater righteousness than the Scribes and Pharisees. In addition, if they were persecuted for their righteousness they would receive a great reward in heaven. And finally, if they taught the complete word and didn’t leave even the “least” part out (and lived accordingly) they would be called “great” in heaven.
The disciples are being addressed in this segment of the “Sermon on the Mount”. First they are told of various blessings that will be given to people who possess various attributes. The last attribute is persecution. Those people who are persecuted for righteousness sake will receive the blessing of the “kingdom of heaven”.
Then Jesus addresses a blessing that the disciples themselves would receive for being persecuted… a great reward in heaven. Persecuted righteous people generally would receive the kingdom of heaven. Presumably, the persecuted disciples would not only receive the kingdom of heaven but something greater.
They then are exhorted to work openly, in spite of impending persecution, so that all could see their good works and cause God to be glorified. In other words, they were not to hide their works so they could escape persecution.
Jesus tells them that the Law and Prophets would last until “heaven and earth pass away” and until “all things be accomplished”.... even the least significant (jot or one tittle) parts of the law would last. The disciples were responsible to teach the whole law and prophets even the very “least” parts. If they would do this and live accordingly they would be called “great in the kingdom of heaven”.
Finally Jesus tells them that their “righteousness” must be greater than the righteousness of the most righteous people of their society… the Scribes and the Pharisees. In fact if their righteousness was not greater… they couldn’t even gain access to the kingdom of heaven. The rest of the text describes the path to being more righteous than the scribes and Pharisees.
The disciples could enter the kingdom of heaven by being of greater righteousness than the Scribes and Pharisees. In addition, if they were persecuted for their righteousness they would receive a great reward in heaven. And finally, if they taught the complete word and didn’t leave even the “least” part out (and lived accordingly) they would be called “great” in heaven.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Church News
I talked to Vivian Meeker tonight and she has been diagnosed with early Alzheimers. She is very nervous about getting too far from home and has been attending Arlington Heights where her daughter attends. She misses everyone at Parkway. I wish God would touch her with his healing hand.
Maggie Perez' brother George Cruz has passed away.
Here is part of a note I received from Joe Shaw...
"...We both thank you all for all of the prayers that have been made on the behalf of our family. We are still part of Parkway's family so don't think we have left you all. My wife sought you all out and you have been a true blessing to us. We will be back to you soon. We love you all, Joe, Dianna, and Joseph"
From Jennifer Nuckles...
Please add my brother Reid Storm to the prayer list. He is 29 and has a blood clot in two places. We are waiting test results to find out what next... probably surgery with stents.
Amy Torno's dad, Gene Mabry, needs extra prayers.
Maggie Perez' brother George Cruz has passed away.
Here is part of a note I received from Joe Shaw...
"...We both thank you all for all of the prayers that have been made on the behalf of our family. We are still part of Parkway's family so don't think we have left you all. My wife sought you all out and you have been a true blessing to us. We will be back to you soon. We love you all, Joe, Dianna, and Joseph"
From Jennifer Nuckles...
Please add my brother Reid Storm to the prayer list. He is 29 and has a blood clot in two places. We are waiting test results to find out what next... probably surgery with stents.
Amy Torno's dad, Gene Mabry, needs extra prayers.
International Students
How often do you have someone ask you where you go to church and ask if they can visit? Probably not very often and yet that’s what happened at the singing Saturday night at Arlie’s place. We had six International students there from Texas A&M Corpus Christi… three Saudis and three Turks… all Muslims who want to visit our services.
The ESLI (English as a Second Language International) program offers International students in state tuition upon completion of the two year ESLI program. That must be a powerful attraction because there are approximately 500 International students at the university. Many of them have a great curiosity about American culture and Christianity.
About six months ago after Darrel Hymel reported on his work in China we contacted the office of International Education about starting a “conversation group”. Our interest in starting a conversation group was to mimic what Darrel Hymel was doing in China… taking advantage of student’s interest in learning English to expose them to Christianity.
We tried doing it off campus at first with minimal results and then we were given permission to move on campus. Since then we have had as many as six students at a time conversing with us and practicing their English. Most of them have been oriental students. Other religious organizations are involved in this as well… we are relative “late comers”.
We sent out an invitation, through our contact in the International Education office, to the International students to attend the singing/refreshments get-together at Arlie’s. Our contact asked if I would like to meet with the director of the ESLI program. I have an appointment this Tuesday. Jeff Carr is going with me.
Saturday night we not only had the six International students in attendance but also the director of the ESLI program and one of her assistants. The whole thing was greatly encouraging.
It seems that a lot of doors are opening for us. Please pray for this effort. In addition we need a female presence in our weekly conversation group meeting (Fridays at 4 pm). I’ve already asked Stefanie and she has agreed but one or two others would be really good.
The ESLI (English as a Second Language International) program offers International students in state tuition upon completion of the two year ESLI program. That must be a powerful attraction because there are approximately 500 International students at the university. Many of them have a great curiosity about American culture and Christianity.
About six months ago after Darrel Hymel reported on his work in China we contacted the office of International Education about starting a “conversation group”. Our interest in starting a conversation group was to mimic what Darrel Hymel was doing in China… taking advantage of student’s interest in learning English to expose them to Christianity.
We tried doing it off campus at first with minimal results and then we were given permission to move on campus. Since then we have had as many as six students at a time conversing with us and practicing their English. Most of them have been oriental students. Other religious organizations are involved in this as well… we are relative “late comers”.
We sent out an invitation, through our contact in the International Education office, to the International students to attend the singing/refreshments get-together at Arlie’s. Our contact asked if I would like to meet with the director of the ESLI program. I have an appointment this Tuesday. Jeff Carr is going with me.
Saturday night we not only had the six International students in attendance but also the director of the ESLI program and one of her assistants. The whole thing was greatly encouraging.
It seems that a lot of doors are opening for us. Please pray for this effort. In addition we need a female presence in our weekly conversation group meeting (Fridays at 4 pm). I’ve already asked Stefanie and she has agreed but one or two others would be really good.
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