Jeff Carr is out of town attending the lectureship at Florida College.
Janet Hutchins is recuperating from her knee procedure.
Janet Bickle will be flying back from South Carolina to help care for her mom who will be entering a rehab facility.
Torey Frazier (daughter of former member... Kim) will be undergoing back surgery.
The directory has been posted in the foyer. Please check to see if all your info. is correct.
Don Mosely and Doc Mayfield have refurbished the message board on the parking lot sign and Doc will be responsible for changing the message from time to time. Thanks guys!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tomorrows Leaders
When I was growing up one of the things we heard in school was that we would be “the leaders of tomorrow”. I never really believed that, but now I see that it’s true.
Knowing that, we adults ought to try to have as much influence on kids as we can. That’s not hard for me because I love kids. Some people say it’s because I never really grew up. I don’t know about that but I do know this, that if you will just give a kid a little bit of your attention it will go a long way. I know something else as well… it’s relatively easy to create unforgettable memories for kids. In fact, with my nephews I’ve made it my business to create those memories for them. Nearly every summer we have “Uncle Rob camp”. We hunt, we fish, we set out the crab trap, we go horse back riding and Aunt Julie prepares good meals for them. Of course I also work them a little bit; we build fence, work at the clinic and the like. They enjoy the play and the work.
In the course of that kind of interaction, I also take the opportunity to admonish them when I see behaviors that I don’t like. I hope I’m making a difference with them.
About a year ago I started wondering if I could help kids who weren’t church or family kids. I heard about the Big Brother/Big Sister program and looked up the local office. After they did a background check on me they approved me to be a “Big Brother”. It took them almost a year to find a kid on our end of town that I could mentor. In fact, it had been so long that when they finally called me I tried to back out and started making excuses… but then I caught myself and agreed to do it.
Who knows what impact you could have on a kid’s life? He might be a first grader whose dad is in prison and whose mom’s boyfriend is in Iraq. He might be a kid who had to repeat the first grade because he has trouble with reading and math. It just might be that you could help a kid like that and he could turn into one of tomorrow’s leaders or even more importantly a leader for Christ. Who knows?
Knowing that, we adults ought to try to have as much influence on kids as we can. That’s not hard for me because I love kids. Some people say it’s because I never really grew up. I don’t know about that but I do know this, that if you will just give a kid a little bit of your attention it will go a long way. I know something else as well… it’s relatively easy to create unforgettable memories for kids. In fact, with my nephews I’ve made it my business to create those memories for them. Nearly every summer we have “Uncle Rob camp”. We hunt, we fish, we set out the crab trap, we go horse back riding and Aunt Julie prepares good meals for them. Of course I also work them a little bit; we build fence, work at the clinic and the like. They enjoy the play and the work.
In the course of that kind of interaction, I also take the opportunity to admonish them when I see behaviors that I don’t like. I hope I’m making a difference with them.
About a year ago I started wondering if I could help kids who weren’t church or family kids. I heard about the Big Brother/Big Sister program and looked up the local office. After they did a background check on me they approved me to be a “Big Brother”. It took them almost a year to find a kid on our end of town that I could mentor. In fact, it had been so long that when they finally called me I tried to back out and started making excuses… but then I caught myself and agreed to do it.
Who knows what impact you could have on a kid’s life? He might be a first grader whose dad is in prison and whose mom’s boyfriend is in Iraq. He might be a kid who had to repeat the first grade because he has trouble with reading and math. It just might be that you could help a kid like that and he could turn into one of tomorrow’s leaders or even more importantly a leader for Christ. Who knows?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Big Brother and Brandon

This is me and Brandon. We're in the Big Brother/Little Brother program (I'm the big brother). I decided to get involved in this to help others. My two younger brothers say I wasn't that great of a "big brother" when we were growing up. I think they have faulty memories
"Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates One-to-One mentoring friendships between children and caring volunteers through community based and site based programs. Independent research has proven that children with a Big Brother or Big Sister are less likely to use drugs, skip school or be involved in acts of violence, and have better relationships with family and friends. YOU can be a part of something BIG when you become a mentor or make a contribution."
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Prayer List – members
Janice Hutchins (knee surgery)
Janet Bickle (loss of Bob)
Janet Bickle will be out of town for two weeks attending to her daughter
Lois Gilliam (loss of Dave)
Vivian Meeker (Macular degeneration)
Virginia Lawler
Jean Cave (complications with pacemaker)
Syble Peterson (hip problems)
Amanda Drum
Becky Garcia (Her mom, Cyndi, requests prayers)
Dan Graf (Sarcoidosis)
Dwayne Murphy (Pemphigus vulgaris)
Liz Graf
Family and Friends
Darrell Hymel (work in China)
Jim Vaughan (Joey Vaughan’ father – aortic aneurism)
Maggie Perez requests prayers for her brother, George Cruz (hospitalized) and her mother, Serafina Cruz (Dementia)
Eric Flindt (friend of Diana Shaw – loss of mother)
Jesse Guzman (Ron and Liz' dad - testing)
Lori Carson (Donna Morgan’s niece, breast cancer)
Randall Chisamore (Graf friend - fell from a three story balcony. Massive injuries)
Serenity & Michaela (Arlie’s grand daughters – family problems)
Scott Perkins (ask God to help him find his faith)
D.L. Hutchins (spiritual - illness)
Elizabeth Robles (Her mom, Priscilla Guel, asks prayers for spiritual weakness)
Mike Garcia (Lucas requests prayers for his dad - spiritual illness)
Tim and Ben Bueno (Patsy requests prayers for her sons - spiritual illness)
Manuel Perez Jr. (parents ask for prayer - spiritual illness)
Ardelle Sumter (Arlie Cooksey's mom, dementia)
Valerie Yates (George Stan's friend - cancer)
Nelda Davila's mother (Alzheimer's)
Elna Walker (Donna Morgan's mother - Congestive Heart Failure)
Gene Mabry (Amy Torno's dad - liver transplant candidate)
Cyndi Garcia's dad (breathing problems)
George Stan (Julie's cousin)
Ofelia Guzman
Nora Phillips (Cindy Graf's mom at home on oxygen)
If you want people added to this prayer list, let me know.
Janice Hutchins (knee surgery)
Janet Bickle (loss of Bob)
Janet Bickle will be out of town for two weeks attending to her daughter
Lois Gilliam (loss of Dave)
Vivian Meeker (Macular degeneration)
Virginia Lawler
Jean Cave (complications with pacemaker)
Syble Peterson (hip problems)
Amanda Drum
Becky Garcia (Her mom, Cyndi, requests prayers)
Dan Graf (Sarcoidosis)
Dwayne Murphy (Pemphigus vulgaris)
Liz Graf
Family and Friends
Darrell Hymel (work in China)
Jim Vaughan (Joey Vaughan’ father – aortic aneurism)
Maggie Perez requests prayers for her brother, George Cruz (hospitalized) and her mother, Serafina Cruz (Dementia)
Eric Flindt (friend of Diana Shaw – loss of mother)
Jesse Guzman (Ron and Liz' dad - testing)
Lori Carson (Donna Morgan’s niece, breast cancer)
Randall Chisamore (Graf friend - fell from a three story balcony. Massive injuries)
Serenity & Michaela (Arlie’s grand daughters – family problems)
Scott Perkins (ask God to help him find his faith)
D.L. Hutchins (spiritual - illness)
Elizabeth Robles (Her mom, Priscilla Guel, asks prayers for spiritual weakness)
Mike Garcia (Lucas requests prayers for his dad - spiritual illness)
Tim and Ben Bueno (Patsy requests prayers for her sons - spiritual illness)
Manuel Perez Jr. (parents ask for prayer - spiritual illness)
Ardelle Sumter (Arlie Cooksey's mom, dementia)
Valerie Yates (George Stan's friend - cancer)
Nelda Davila's mother (Alzheimer's)
Elna Walker (Donna Morgan's mother - Congestive Heart Failure)
Gene Mabry (Amy Torno's dad - liver transplant candidate)
Cyndi Garcia's dad (breathing problems)
George Stan (Julie's cousin)
Ofelia Guzman
Nora Phillips (Cindy Graf's mom at home on oxygen)
If you want people added to this prayer list, let me know.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Two Kinds of People
Genesis 25 tells the story of the birth of twin sons to Isaac and Rebekah. During the pregnancy “the children struggled within her”. The Lord revealed this to Rebekah…
“Two nations are in your womb; And two peoples shall be separated from your body; And one people shall be stronger than the other; And the older shall serve the younger.”
Thus, two sons were born; Esau and Jacob. Jacob’s progeny would go on to become the Hebrew nation and Esau’s progeny would become the nation of Edom. According to Law the oldest son Esau should have received the birthright and his father’s blessings. Instead, Jacob the younger son received both and Israel became a great nation and Edom became just a foot note in history.
I think this was a big teaching point for the nation of Israel (Hebrews). They were God’s chosen nation among all the nations of the world. Israel received the Law and had great promises made to her (Romans 9:4-5). However, just like Esau lost his birthright, Israel lost hers as well and God chose to have a people who were “circumcised in their hearts” rather than a people who carried a physical mark… “circumcised in their flesh”.
Israel should have recognized that message from the story of Esau and Jacob. More importantly we should recognize that message as well. God doesn’t want a people with just the outward marks of Christianity; He wants a people who are true believers and are faithful in their hearts. Live it.
“Two nations are in your womb; And two peoples shall be separated from your body; And one people shall be stronger than the other; And the older shall serve the younger.”
Thus, two sons were born; Esau and Jacob. Jacob’s progeny would go on to become the Hebrew nation and Esau’s progeny would become the nation of Edom. According to Law the oldest son Esau should have received the birthright and his father’s blessings. Instead, Jacob the younger son received both and Israel became a great nation and Edom became just a foot note in history.
I think this was a big teaching point for the nation of Israel (Hebrews). They were God’s chosen nation among all the nations of the world. Israel received the Law and had great promises made to her (Romans 9:4-5). However, just like Esau lost his birthright, Israel lost hers as well and God chose to have a people who were “circumcised in their hearts” rather than a people who carried a physical mark… “circumcised in their flesh”.
Israel should have recognized that message from the story of Esau and Jacob. More importantly we should recognize that message as well. God doesn’t want a people with just the outward marks of Christianity; He wants a people who are true believers and are faithful in their hearts. Live it.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Church News. January 25, 2010.
We have new content on our website. One sermon by David Smitherman on Revelation 7
and two from Darrell Hymel on Old Testament study.
After talking to Darrell Hymel, Jeff Carr and I went to a Meet & Greet at Texas A&M Corpus Christi to interact with international students. We made some valuable contacts. Please pray for this effort.
From Ruth Lara…
Prayer request for my sister in law Irma's dad, Camilo Tagle, he has several complications, and is having surgery tomorrow at Spohn Shoreline to remove stones from his kidneys., please keep him in your prayers.
thanks and God Bless
Jeremy Graf who had an ordeal with flesh eating bacteria is doing much better.
From Dianna Shaw…
Could you please add a friend of mine and Joe's to the prayer list. His name is Eric Flindt on the loss of his mother, Jo Flindt. They live in Portland and he has little family to help support him.
We have new content on our website. One sermon by David Smitherman on Revelation 7
and two from Darrell Hymel on Old Testament study.
After talking to Darrell Hymel, Jeff Carr and I went to a Meet & Greet at Texas A&M Corpus Christi to interact with international students. We made some valuable contacts. Please pray for this effort.
From Ruth Lara…
Prayer request for my sister in law Irma's dad, Camilo Tagle, he has several complications, and is having surgery tomorrow at Spohn Shoreline to remove stones from his kidneys., please keep him in your prayers.
thanks and God Bless
Jeremy Graf who had an ordeal with flesh eating bacteria is doing much better.
From Dianna Shaw…
Could you please add a friend of mine and Joe's to the prayer list. His name is Eric Flindt on the loss of his mother, Jo Flindt. They live in Portland and he has little family to help support him.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Matthew 25: The Parable of the Talents
This parable reveals an ancient way of doing business. In old times wealthy people had servants. They would entrust sums of money to them for investment for a period of time, at the end of the time period an accounting would be made. The wealthy man could legally punish a servant who had been derelict in their financial responsibilities.
In this story the master has three servants who have different abilities. Pursuant to their abilities he entrusts them with varying amounts of money; $100,000, $40,000 and $20,000. The master then leaves for a period of time, when he comes back an accounting is made, the first two guys double their money; $200,000 and $80,000. The guy with the least amount of ability, who was only entrusted with $20,000, said this, “… I was afraid and hid the $20,000 and buried it, here… you have it back”.
The master was greatly displeased with him and said (in part), “… cast out the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth”. He didn’t want just the original investment back… he expected more.
There are several lessons in this parable; the first is that every citizen in God’s kingdom has ability. Some have great ability and some have minimal ability. God actively assesses our abilities and gives us work to do based on our abilities and he doesn’t expect more of us than what we can do, but he does expect us to do what we can do.
Another lesson is our motivation to work for God. The “unprofitable servant” was “afraid” of his master and didn’t want to lose the $20 thousand. His fear paralyzed him so that he couldn’t even use his minimal ability. He could have put the money in the bank and gained interest for his master. A minimal profit.
The children of God should not be afraid of God… He loves us after all. He wants us to succeed. Instead of fear we should work for God with the motivation of Love. If we will just trust in him and use our abilities God will reward us.
What is the work God wants us to be involved in? The rest of the chapter identifies that for us. It portrays a great scene of judgment where the sheep (the blessed) will be separated from the goats (the cursed). The sole basis for judgment is how we treat others; the hungry, the thirsty, the homeless stranger, those who lack clothing, the sick and the prisoners.
The work of God is seeing after the needs of others. God wants more than his original investment from us.
In this story the master has three servants who have different abilities. Pursuant to their abilities he entrusts them with varying amounts of money; $100,000, $40,000 and $20,000. The master then leaves for a period of time, when he comes back an accounting is made, the first two guys double their money; $200,000 and $80,000. The guy with the least amount of ability, who was only entrusted with $20,000, said this, “… I was afraid and hid the $20,000 and buried it, here… you have it back”.
The master was greatly displeased with him and said (in part), “… cast out the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth”. He didn’t want just the original investment back… he expected more.
There are several lessons in this parable; the first is that every citizen in God’s kingdom has ability. Some have great ability and some have minimal ability. God actively assesses our abilities and gives us work to do based on our abilities and he doesn’t expect more of us than what we can do, but he does expect us to do what we can do.
Another lesson is our motivation to work for God. The “unprofitable servant” was “afraid” of his master and didn’t want to lose the $20 thousand. His fear paralyzed him so that he couldn’t even use his minimal ability. He could have put the money in the bank and gained interest for his master. A minimal profit.
The children of God should not be afraid of God… He loves us after all. He wants us to succeed. Instead of fear we should work for God with the motivation of Love. If we will just trust in him and use our abilities God will reward us.
What is the work God wants us to be involved in? The rest of the chapter identifies that for us. It portrays a great scene of judgment where the sheep (the blessed) will be separated from the goats (the cursed). The sole basis for judgment is how we treat others; the hungry, the thirsty, the homeless stranger, those who lack clothing, the sick and the prisoners.
The work of God is seeing after the needs of others. God wants more than his original investment from us.
Church News. January 17, 2010
From David’s excellent lesson this morning based on Revelation 7
God is in control
God has a plan
God can save anyone
God expects purity of life
God allows pain
God saves through the blood of Christ
God’s blessings await us
- Syble Peterson is ill
- Janice Hutchin’s knee procedure has been put off
- Joey’s dad’s aneurysm will not require surgery after all
- Keith Cargile is engaged
- The young people are invited to the Carr’s next Sunday night
- Friday night study on prayer at the Turners home
- Janet Bickle will be out of town for two weeks attending to her daughter
- Maggie Perez requests prayers for her brother… George Cruz and her mother… Serafina Cruz (Dementia)
From David’s excellent lesson this morning based on Revelation 7
God is in control
God has a plan
God can save anyone
God expects purity of life
God allows pain
God saves through the blood of Christ
God’s blessings await us
- Syble Peterson is ill
- Janice Hutchin’s knee procedure has been put off
- Joey’s dad’s aneurysm will not require surgery after all
- Keith Cargile is engaged
- The young people are invited to the Carr’s next Sunday night
- Friday night study on prayer at the Turners home
- Janet Bickle will be out of town for two weeks attending to her daughter
- Maggie Perez requests prayers for her brother… George Cruz and her mother… Serafina Cruz (Dementia)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Parkway Kids
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Leviticus 24:16
“Anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD is to be put to death. The entire assembly must stone them. Whether foreigner or native-born, when they blaspheme the Name they are to be put to death.”
To “blaspheme the name of the Lord” is to curse the Lord’s name. If someone were charged with this sin and it were proven they would be put to death. There would be no excuses like, “I’m sorry” or “I was angry”, if guilty you would be put to death. Blasphemy is at least as bad as the sin of murder… because they both carry the same punishment.
Some say the sin of blasphemy is the worst sin that can be committed because it is not a sin against another human being but a sin against God.
Blasphemy is also a sin in the New Testament(although there is no provision for man to be punished… on earth).
There is something else about blasphemy that is interesting. Christians can cause others to blaspheme God by their actions.
Romans 2:24
“Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God?
For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you…”
We can cause people to sin the sin of blasphemy by being hypocrites. If we call ourselves Christians and then don’t act like Christians we cause God’s name to be blasphemed by those who look at us and say things like, “God's followers say one thing and do another”.
God’s name is blasphemed by those who observe our hypocrisy and we are responsible for it.
It is imperative that Christians live sin free lives for several reasons; one of which is to prevent the sin of blasphemy.
“Anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD is to be put to death. The entire assembly must stone them. Whether foreigner or native-born, when they blaspheme the Name they are to be put to death.”
To “blaspheme the name of the Lord” is to curse the Lord’s name. If someone were charged with this sin and it were proven they would be put to death. There would be no excuses like, “I’m sorry” or “I was angry”, if guilty you would be put to death. Blasphemy is at least as bad as the sin of murder… because they both carry the same punishment.
Some say the sin of blasphemy is the worst sin that can be committed because it is not a sin against another human being but a sin against God.
Blasphemy is also a sin in the New Testament(although there is no provision for man to be punished… on earth).
There is something else about blasphemy that is interesting. Christians can cause others to blaspheme God by their actions.
Romans 2:24
“Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God?
For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you…”
We can cause people to sin the sin of blasphemy by being hypocrites. If we call ourselves Christians and then don’t act like Christians we cause God’s name to be blasphemed by those who look at us and say things like, “God's followers say one thing and do another”.
God’s name is blasphemed by those who observe our hypocrisy and we are responsible for it.
It is imperative that Christians live sin free lives for several reasons; one of which is to prevent the sin of blasphemy.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Church News. January 3, 2009
David Smitherman is sick and had to be admitted to the hospital. It sounds like he will be there for a few days while they run tests.
Darrell Hymel will be here this coming Sunday to preach and give his report on the work in China. Don’t miss it.
This past Saturday Jeff C. and Julian met at the building with some others and passed out about 250 flyers around the neighborhood. I think Jeff wants to do this on a regular basis in neighborhoods around the city.
David Smitherman is sick and had to be admitted to the hospital. It sounds like he will be there for a few days while they run tests.
Darrell Hymel will be here this coming Sunday to preach and give his report on the work in China. Don’t miss it.
This past Saturday Jeff C. and Julian met at the building with some others and passed out about 250 flyers around the neighborhood. I think Jeff wants to do this on a regular basis in neighborhoods around the city.
The Lost Sheep
One of the things Jesus was criticized for was eating and associating with sinners (Mk. 15:2). Jesus answered that criticism by telling the story of a sheep herder who had 100 sheep. One of the sheep wandered off and the shepherd searched for it and when he found it he was so happy that he called all his friends to share the good news with them.
He concludes the story by stating, “I say this unto you, that even so, there shall be joy in heaven over one sinner that repents, than over 99 righteous persons who need no repentance.”
Don’t get the wrong idea about Jesus, he didn’t eat and associate with sinners just because he liked to hang out with them and appreciated their company.
Whenever Jesus was around sin he addressed the sin.
He had a purpose, he was trying to get sinners to repent and lead righteous lives. They couldn’t repent unless they felt guilt for their sins. They couldn’t feel guilt for their sins unless someone made them feel guilty.
Also don’t get the wrong idea about God… he likes righteous people, but he gets real happy when a sinner turns from his sin and becomes righteous.
I’ll tell you, I feel the most comfortable when I am around righteous people. They are my favorite kind of people to be around. But you know what? There’s not going to be much “joy in heaven” if Christians just hang out with each other. We’ve got to put ourselves in a position to have influence over sinners, because if we can turn them, the folks up in heaven are going to be real happy. Go look for those lost sheep... they're out there.
He concludes the story by stating, “I say this unto you, that even so, there shall be joy in heaven over one sinner that repents, than over 99 righteous persons who need no repentance.”
Don’t get the wrong idea about Jesus, he didn’t eat and associate with sinners just because he liked to hang out with them and appreciated their company.
Whenever Jesus was around sin he addressed the sin.
He had a purpose, he was trying to get sinners to repent and lead righteous lives. They couldn’t repent unless they felt guilt for their sins. They couldn’t feel guilt for their sins unless someone made them feel guilty.
Also don’t get the wrong idea about God… he likes righteous people, but he gets real happy when a sinner turns from his sin and becomes righteous.
I’ll tell you, I feel the most comfortable when I am around righteous people. They are my favorite kind of people to be around. But you know what? There’s not going to be much “joy in heaven” if Christians just hang out with each other. We’ve got to put ourselves in a position to have influence over sinners, because if we can turn them, the folks up in heaven are going to be real happy. Go look for those lost sheep... they're out there.
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