Thursday, October 15, 2020

Sodom and Jericho and Hospitality

Sodom and Jericho were both destroyed by God because of their “detestable practices”. However, in both cities God found a few who were worthy of being spared his destruction.
God sent two angels to Sodom. Lot welcomed them and took them into his house. When the citizens of Sodom heard there were visitors in town they tried to take and rape them but Lot protected them. For Lot’s hospitality God spared Lot and his family when he destroyed Sodom.
Joshua sent two spies to Jericho. The king of Jericho heard they were in town and tried to capture them. Rahab extended hospitality by taking them in and protecting them (Like Lot did). For her hospitality God spared Rahab and her family when he destroyed Jericho.
One of the tenets of hospitality is reciprocation. Those who are hospitable should have a reasonable expectation of reciprocated hospitality or even a blessing from man and God on the home that extends hospitality.
God overlooked Rahab the prostitute’s sin and other short comings and blessed her for her hospitality. It had to be a transforming moment in her life. She had to turn her back on her previous life and on everyone she knew and take the simple step of hospitality to please God.
How transformational was it? One of her sons in the distant future was Jesus Christ. Can we be less hospitable?

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