Monday, September 25, 2023

Camels and Early Inheritances

I was talking to an old friend the other day who I hadn’t seen in a while and as we were catching up on each others lives he mentioned that he had lost someone who he was very close to. His friend was about the same age as him and seemed to be in good shape but he got a call that his close friend had died suddenly and without warning.
As my friend was relating this to me he teared up a little bit and continued that it made him take a long look at his own life. He hadn’t started out with very much but at this point he had some wealth just sitting around in the bank not doing anything at all.
He told me that he decided to give his three kids an early inheritance. They were going to inherit all he had anyway so he figured he would help them out early.
He said all three were hard workers and respectful and good people and had given him nine grandkids but like a lot of folks they had accumulated a lot of debt. So he went to the bank and had three checks made out in their names that enabled them to pay all their debts off.
My friend told me as he was signing the checks he thought his heart stopped three times and maybe he should call EMS but he made it through okay.
He told me it was a far, far better thing than anything else he had ever, ever done. His kids were shocked and hugged his neck and cried and he said he cried too.
As I thought about all this I thought… what a powerful lesson and as I looked at my friend I thought I saw a dromedary camel just walk through the eye of a needle without either of his sides touching.

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