Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Citizenship and Minas

In Luke 19, Jesus was asked a question about the coming of the Kingdom… because they thought it was coming immediately.
So in typical Jesus fashion he answers with a parable. The Parable of the Minas. There are two things going on in this parable.
The first thing is about a fellow that is going to a distant land to receive a Kingdom. While on the way the citizens of the Kingdom send a message that they don’t want him ruling over them. At the end of the Parable the fellow has the citizens killed.
The second thing is that the fellow going to receive the Kingdom gives three of his workers 10 Minas each. A Minas is about three months wages. He instructed them to invest their Minas’ and there would be an accounting when he got back. Two of the workers did well and were rewarded. The third one did not do well with his Minas and was punished with death.
So how does this parable answer the original question concerning if the Kingdom was coming immediately?
The fellow receiving the Kingdom was Jesus. The ones who rejected him were the Jewish Leaders. Jesus had them killed in the year AD 70.
The three workers were Jesus’ people. He had expectations for them. They had to perform. If they did, in the coming of the Heavenly Kingdom they would be rewarded. If they did not then punishment awaits.
Jesus obviously told them a lot more than what they were asking. The coming of the Kingdom had some markers… punishment for those who rejected and killed him and a standard of conduct to be a citizen in the upcoming kingdom.
Make “mas” not “menos” with your “minas”

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